Solid Cock Ring Sizes

Hi, guys.

I’ve used soft silicone rings for about 2 years now and want to try using the more solid kind like metal.
I was wondering what the difference people have felt with them, if there is any?
Also, how do you go about measuring for one. I’ve followed a number of calculators online but my results seem bigger than what I think I am and wondered if I’m being daft or not here, as im not particularly well endowed, im on the average side haha.
For further reference, im measuring behind my testicles as well as thats been the best feeling with cock rings for me.

Sorry if this has been asked a million times!


Its a similar problem to finding the correct size of rear ring for a cock cage. In the end i bought one and tried it and i suggest that you do the same to get the size you need.


Thanks a lot, man! I really appreciate the reply. Is there much of a difference in effect and sensations between a stretchy silicone one and a rigid/metal one?

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Yes. The silicone one always had some ‘give’ in it wheras the steel one is rigid and, for me at least, is more effective at maintaining my erection and prolonging my orgasm BUT it can get uncomfortable after a while.


Awesome. I find the stretchy ones give my erection a thicker but spongier feeling sometimes amd the orgasm intensity/length varies. Very intrigued to try something new.

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Hi I too ‘graduated’ from stretchy to metal rings and find the latter way better. The various diameters allow various uses, placements. Try the largest size by passing everything through ( when soft) with a smaller at the base , just experiment you will find what works for you.


It is really a trial and error for sizes. It depends on the thickness and width of the ring as to which one is right for you. I wear a 50mm 13 mm thick stainless steel donut ring 24/7. Sometimes when it’s really cold ( i work outside) and I have to do a lot of climbing it can work loose. Plus side is the erections are incredibly hard. Occasionally woken by nighttime erections as it may have moved a bit but overall I’m happy. Forgot to say I’ve been wearing it for about 5 years now.


The foremost concern for you, I’m guessing, is that of trying a ring that’s too small and winding up in the ER, yes?

One way around this is to get the Dominix clear plastic chastity cage (similar to the cb-6000 but WAY less expensive!) and playing with the various ring sizes for best fit.

Start with the 50mm and connectors to create a “closed” base ring, then try to get yourself into AND out of it without resorting to dismantling the ring. If all is good, try the 45mm, etc. Obviously, if you cannot remove the smaller rings without dismantling them, you’ve gone too far down in size.

Eventually, you’ll get a perfect fit that will enable you to find that perfect size for you, with the comfort of knowing that you’ve gotten yourself out of that size “solid” ring before. It’s still a little daunting, admittedly, but you’re coming from a position of prior escape knowledge instead of relying on measurements from bits of string or measuring tapes.

Hope it helps…!

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You can get, two piece “solid” metal rings that fit together with a screw or bolt, this removes any worries and can allow you to wear one that’ s quite snug lets say, then a screwdriver or Allen key to remove, pity you can’t buy them here though?

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Hi, all

Thank you so much for all the advice on this subject.
I’ve bought the Get Hard Extra Thick Silicone ring pack as it comes with multiple sizes to try and work out what works best, especially since they seem a bit hardier and less stretchy than the donuts etc.
Hopefully it works out and helps to find a good size so i can level up again haha.

Its primarily to over both cock and balls but im a farily average size, so it’s more of an experiment than anything.

Thank you all again. I didnt expect such a great response to the question :blush:

Recently got 3 metal rings as part of toy from LH. Trial and error led to even the largest being too tight. The cold and weight is interesting though.

I also got 3 black solid silicone ones as part of another LH toy. The medium is a good fit.

But i go back to the soft silicone as easiest to put on and most comfortable. Medium ring around cock and balls works best for me and helps me pleasure my partners for a sustained period.


We’ve use both solid metal and silicon. Like others here the sizing was very much trial and error and don’t forget to consider thickness. We had some relatively thin metal ones that get quite uncomfortable quite quickly. Thinker ones however can seen to get in the was. I (mr) like them around the cock and balls. The feeling is great and it certainly creates a lot harder erection. Problem if that your balls are then pushed up and forward. This is great for maybe some massage of them or oral but pretty bad for penetrative fun as they get squashed, and the harder the fun the more they get hurt!

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