Sex advice for Fibromyalgia or Chronic fatigue syndrome (FMS/CFS/ME)

My partner (female) has FMS and I'm looking for advice on ways to make sex more comfortable and easier for her?

It's not something I know much about, but here are some links to past threads that might have some useful stuff in: 👍

My wife has many of these conditions. It means some days she doesn’t want intercourse because of the pain. As a result we have got into sex toys. She likes to do things like using a mains powered rabbit whilst I kneel above her and basically make love to her mouth. Sometimes I will spend a while using anal beads and a glass dildo and such items and to get her O several times so that I can then make love to her myself and it can be quicker than normal as she is ready for a final big big O. It’s taking us many years, but finding positions we know work with little pain has helped and be open to mutal masturbation and Sharing fantasy.

I have CFS/ME, and find the physical exhaustion of repetitive movement can be a problem, it means even a really enjoyable position can quickly cause muscle exhaustion and cramp. I find changing positions frequently, and a partner that understands why, is helpful. Also when very tired, being on the bottom with position enhancers (ramps/leg harnesses) means it's more comfortable to stay for longer. It's also important to bear in mind that sex is an energetic undertaking so the rest of the day needs to be low energy consumption.

I have these conditions also. I love hubby going on top and basically going for it but sometimes can be just to sore. There's been times when we've finished and both came and I actually cant move my legs when hubby has pulled out after orgasm. If I'm a bit sore I tend to go on top so that I'm not taking his weight on my body. That way I can control the thrusts....sometimes

Hi, im sorry to hear your partner isnt well. Ive had CFS /M.E. for many many years. The extreme and overehelming fatigue are the main problems for me now. I do get pain but this is usually after exertion not all the time and i dont suffer with sore points like fibro but one thing that really helped is a vibrating cock ring as that speeded up the time it took for me to orgasm therefore expending less energy! We used this with me on top. I am totally exhausted and fit for nothing else after so my husband has to do dinner or whatever other chores need doing. Good luck x