Sex after birth

How long did you wait? I gave birth 8 days ago and already want to get back to it but according to google I should wait at least 6-8 weeks. I had a fairly easy labour and only needed one stitch. Surely I don't have to wait another 5-7 weeks?

your body your rules, but medical advice is given in your best interest.

My partner had 3 stitches following her first birth and iirc it took over 2 months for the scar to properly heal.

Maybe as a ninterim, you could partake in some non penetrative sex, oral, handjobs, massage etc.

Congratulations on your newborn!


If you've googled I'm sure you're aware of the reasons why the 6 week guideline is in place, your body really does need time to heal up even after an easy labour (esp with stitches in place). I would go with what Sub said and explore non penetrative sex for now.

Congratulations on the newborn :)

So yes theres a six week guideline in place, you just had a human pop out of your vagina!

I have had two births, both natural. The last thing I wanted was a penis back inside me, however, I waited maybe 3 weeks? That was after the bleeding had stopped but I also didn't have stitches. I think water births saved my life!

Best advice, go with whatever you feel comfortable with - doesn't always have to be vaginal penetration, theres lots of other ways to be intimate and you know your body better than anyone else.

Congrats on the new baby!

Congratulations! Only 8 days ago and you're already thinking about getting back to sex, wow; how? - I'm genuinely curious. Having a baby and looking after a newborn totally exhausted me. I think probably for the first 6months, the only thing I wanted to do in my free time was sleep 😂

Congratulations on your new baby. I had a emergency c section so a bit different but I’m sure we were a few months lol. Like LMS. I spent it either looking in awe or sleeping 😂. Also like Mrs L last think I wanted was a penis anywhere near my bits lol. Everyone is different though and I’ve know a midwive who have caught couples at it the day after (still in hospital). You know your body best but I would say at least another week just to let everything settle back down if you are talking about penetration.

Thank you everyone. I have no idea how I have any mojo left tbh and we have done some non penatrative stuff but I was just wondering whether people waited the full time etc

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Hi. I had sex after 3 weeks. I had a small tear that didn't require stitches. I had no idea you had to wait so long but we carried on having sex as normal with no problems. Would recommend getting advice beforehand just for reasurance......xx

I waited a few months after my first baby and a little less after my second. Everyone's hormones act differently. Wait until you are fully healed, you don't want to go full on and do damage. Remember you are uber fertile too.

Yeah we will be using protection. I haven't actually read up on it but my fiance did and told me about the 6-8 week wait. I guess the longer we wait the better it will be when we get to.

9 days was all we managed 😳 couldn't help ourselves but all is ok

Been a long time since ours were born, think we waited about 5/6 weeks and she had a lot of stitches, I did enjoy drinking her milk when we had sex, you should try it asking her first perhaps? there's always enough.

No advice to give but we’re about 12 weeks after birth and nothing really so far.

Feels a bit trite speaking for us both but I don’t feel it’s any physical concern my partner has, it’s just all her mental energy is focussed on the baby, which is completely understandable and she’s an amazing mum but I’m just feeling a bit meh about our sex life at the minute. I know the natural response will be talk to her but I know if I say anything she’ll play it down or inadvertently make me feel selfish for bringing it up as we battle with a newborn.

There’s also the practical consideration of time away from baby, she doesn’t sleep great in the day.

Appreciate I’m looking at this from my point of view rather than hers. Just feel a bit dispondent. I’m sure it’ll pass.

Im not recommening this (or not) but we only waited a week or so.
We were so loved up after our Son was born we couldn’t help ourselves (or did help ourselves depending how you look at it) :laughing::sweat_smile:

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By the time my first child was 12 weeks old his wee sister had been conceived. Everyone’s different though, babies are very demanding and are known to make parents resemble zombies.
Enjoy this time bonding with your baby and don’t ever think you’re being selfish. It’s only natural to want your sex life back, sometimes women need more time to adjust to their new life. You said your partner is a good mum so she’s obviously doing the best she can. If you’re helping out when you can then fair play to you, removing some of the pressure just might give her the wee spurt of energy she needs to enjoy some adult fun with you again :blush:


3 weeks after a lot of stitches. Was uncomfortable for her but she was that horny it was worth it apparently. Did you get the non stop horny phase towards end of pregnancy? If so has it still carried on after birth?

Well, PIV sex should wait 6 weeks. But you can have oral immediately. At least, that’s the advice my GF got, and she’s had 5 kids.

My GF and another of my partners have been ready and interested just a day or two after giving birth. GF suffered pretty bad without PIV sex, and I played with her a lot to make up for it. Pregnancy and birth do all kinds of crazy things to hormones. GF managed to have 4 pregnancies in less than 4 years! Not good, because that wears your body out fast.

There really is no rules beside tearing requiring healing.

My wife, pre birth of our 1st born, used to regularly tear somehow, probably would hav3 been good for 1 stitch if seen by medical people. We would, most of the time, have sex within days of it.

We’ve had 2 kids, and nevermind the stictches and bleeding post birth, what prevented us having sex was both her extreme tiredness due to constant breastfeeding and total inability to day nap, and hormones.

Dont underestimate the role of hormones post pregnancy as a libido inhibitor factor. Not for everyone, but most male friends i’ve had that discussion with report lack of sexual interest from their partner.

Just par for the course in the 1st 12 to 24 months for most people.

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Thank you @Amunique

A little bit coarse but hadn’t ejaculated in over a week but sorted myself out earlier so not feeling as horny now. So I’m just focusing on helping out. Hopefully in time it’ll come

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You’re welcome @SubCharles glad you sorted yourself out :blush:… Definitely the way forward, everything crossed for you :blush: