

How many of you are single but can’t find love?? I’m out of a 12 year relationship due to mental health issues and everything. But I suffer anxiety and depression and I also suffer ED I think. I never feel like I’m good enough even in the relationship I never felt like I did things right.

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I bet it’s hard for you, but keep trying there’s always someone out there for everyone

Yup been single all my life and still can’t find anyone… dating in the modern day is the worst experience! And it defo doesn’t help with the mental health side either :pleading_face:

I had a pretty absuive relationship going back about 12-ish years which put me off dating for ages! Met my current OH a little over a year ago now when I wasn’t really looking, celebrated a year last month, and still going incredibly strong.

In the years between, I worked on improving my mental health, self esteem and focused on finding ‘me’ and what made me happy. I didn’t give any thought to dating at all, and actually turned down dates because I wanted to keep focusing on me.

My OH was actually doing the same thing, they’d gone through a bad relationship, and chose to improve their mental health and stuff. In their own words ‘I wasn’t ready to dive into a new relationship, I wasn’t in a good headspace’, and so they took it upon themselves to change that. Met me a couple months after, and still continues to work on it.

Sometimes things take time, focus on yourself for the time being, and eventually you may be surprised :blush:


Yep, I’m in simulator situation. 56 yrs single, disabled half my time in a wheelchair, which brings with it, a shed load of things you need to think about.

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