Stiletto covers for anal play

I feel like this is insanely niche and no one is going to be able to help :shushing_face:

I have received a request for anal penetration with a stiletto heel. I’m very happy to oblige, but 1) don’t want to ruin my heels and 2) don’t want to damage their bottom. Maybe that’s the wrong order… anyway. Can you buy heel covers designed for sex??

If not… I’m going to cast my own custom silicone mold for my heels. But no point reinventing the wheel if they are already commercially available. I just haven’t seen any yet.

Condoms might be too big/loose, but maybe latex finger cots would be closer to the size for covering your heels?

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Maybe something like these?

Has the stiletto to be on your foot at the time? You’d need something that fits snug so it doesn’t slide off.

Part of me needs to know WAY more, and the rest of me doesn’t want to ask…

Interesting and creative suggestion, thank you


I didn’t think of that! Er. I’m going to say yes.

I reckon casting something custom in silicone is going to be the answer.

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Maybe there’s nothing else like this in the market, and you could be on to something :wink:

Haha!! Defo got it the right way round :joy:
Not sure I’ve ever seen anything like what your after but maybe on some extreme fetish shops they may have something…
Alternatively perhaps look at them clone a willy kits to try create a covering type thing?! :thinking: