Tantric massage

Hi my girlfriend wants to have a tantric massage. Are they real or just one of the things that people talk about. And do you know where you could get one x

Tantric massage and practice is real. It's about emotions, and inner energy, as well as connection. You can get books on it and experience it together. There are also coaches you can use, some will do cam teaching too. It's a great way to connect :-).

Had to look this up.

Sounds interesting.

Looks like LoveHoney has a very good guide for it


But, unfortunately out of stock ![](upload://f8zGclFeQx35HwZLqJ7J1rFzQ0n.gif)

We need to get leanne on that ![](upload://l9s9e23YKLHpoOzgGVeUkhZGcEr.gif)


I have reviewed this book, it was a bit heavy going to be honest. You can research it on line and do as much of it as you fancy, and leave out the parts that won't work for you.

This is a massive subject and there is something for everyone! It really works and the results can be mind blowing! Everyone is different and it's just a case of finding what works for you.

Need to find some were that dose it really if anyone can help in the essex if possible x