Thanks it was fun. I have bookmark this so hopefully remember to do it next week too.
Well done @littlespoons I’m usually at the bottom. I’ve just had a good week
Thank you not bad for a first time. You did well .
MrsLovett's answers
1- Cancer
4-Bulgaria ( I think)
5-No idea
1- Woman’s Hour?
2-I don’t watch any… hum, Eastenders?
3-Doctor Who
4-Moulin Rouge
5- Mr Selfridge
2-False ( I think just Literature)
3-William the Conqueror
4- I’m going to translate literally from my native language here and say “Marriage Preparation”
2-Clam shell
5-St George
1- A cocker spaniel and a poodle
3-Black Ice
2- 5?
3-Temple Run?
4-Ice Bucket Challenge
5- Spain
You’ll be on the scoreboard now, so you should get a notification for the next one.
I should also ask if you’re happy to participate in the King Edward Potato Prize if you do end up coming last? @Craig1234 insists on it when he loses, but it is a voluntary award.
Love the booby prize
Ok that’s great. Am not sure what that is but am up for a laugh .
It’s just a emoji for last place.
We also have occasional NoNothing Medals
too for 0 points in a category, but those are also by request (it feels a bit mean to dish them out regardless
The answers normally get added to the quiz post at about 7pm (ish) Thursday evening, and I put a Winner post up with a bit of a round up in. Here’s the one from last week (where @Craig1234 very nearly lost his potato…)
Yep am up for that. Looks fun
Well, I say 7pm, but we tend to wait for @SexInTheCity…
Me too!! Hopefully I’m still in time
Answers to Hump Day Quiz
- Capricorn
- False?
- Indian Ocean
- Bulgaria?
- Netherlands
- The Archers?
- No idea, guess at Hollyoaks
- No idea
- Moulin Rouge
- No idea, Harrods?
- Green
- True
- William the Conqueror
- No idea
- Thailand?
Arts and Literature
- True
- I feel like this is probably really obvious but I have no idea so I’m going for flip-flop
- Magic beans
- False
- St George’s Day?
Science and Nature
- Cocker spaniel and poodle
- Caviar
- Black ice
- Cat
- Radar
Sprot and Leisure
- Nutella
- 5
- No idea
- Ice bucket?
- Spain
I have added the answers to the quiz post
And I can declare the winner of this week’s Great Hump Day Quiz to be…
And the Great Hump Clean-Sweepers are…
The kid’s question were:
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
And the glorious King Edward Crown this week goes to @littlespoons And you also get a special
award for your first quiz too.
I hope everyone enjoyed it, and I shall be back next week with another.
Thanks @Ian_Chimp - I enjoyed it! Nice to have a +20 again, real rarity these days!
Congratulations @MrsLovett77 - Insanely impressive scoring
And welcome to the fold @littlespoons , lovely to have you on board
Congratulations @MrsLovett77
Congratulations! @MrsLovett77
Thank you all!
Welcome to the Great Hump Day Quiz!
We’re always trying to add more people to our quiz gang, so check out how to hide your answers, pop them in a post, and I’ll add you to the Scoreboard.
We also have an answer template you can copy and paste now too.
Where do the questions come from?
I found a mysterious old box of trivial pursuit, with even more trivial pursuits stuffed inside. It is a treasure trove of quiz questions, and all of them really old. Perfect fodder for a Hump Day special.
Piecing together a few bits and bobs, there were three sets, and a couple of the instructions. One is a Genus Edition, dated 2001, and the other the 20th Anniversary one, 2004. There’s also another old style board and questions in there that looks/smells quite a bit older. That’s the box they’re all stuffed in, and that has ©1983 printed on it. No instructions, so not sure if that’s accurate. That one says it’s a Master Game Genus Edition.
(Edit: Now with an added sprinkling of more recent questions too )
So, there you go. It’s a bit random, but it should add to the fun.
💙 Geography
Which Middle East federation of seven states includes Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Fujairah?
Which building in Berlin is the traditional home of the German parliament?
In which city would you find Camp Nou stadium?
In which country is the snow-capped mountain called Mount Fuji?
Which crop covers 90 per cent of the cultivated land area of Mauritius?
Adele’s song “Lovesong” from her 21 album was originally written by The Cure. True or false?
In which US sitcom do the main characters work at California Institute of Technology?
Which mobile app features Clarendon, Hudson, and X-Pro II?
What is the baby meerkat’s name in the Compare the Meerkat adverts - Olive, Oleg, or Boris?
Which Oscar-nominated actress plays the lead role in the ITV drama Vera?
💛 History
How many years of military service must one have to become a Beefeater at the Tower of London - 8, 14, or 22?
What fraction of a penny was a farthing worth, in pre-decimal Britain?
In what Indian village is the Buddha said to have become enlightened while meditating under a bodhi tree?
Which is these is the name of a real historical battle - Battle of Stamford Bridge, Battle of White Hart Lane, or Battle of Anfield?
Which was the first British retailer to post annual profits in excess of £2 billion?
💩 Art & Literature
What word for knockabout comedy comes from a panto prop of a sword, made from two hinged pieces of wood, which made a loud noise when it hit someone?
Which of these is not an opera by Mozart - The Marriage of Figaro, Carmen, or The Magic Flute?
In a pantomime, what is the usual name for Cinderella’s father?
Which of these is the biggest - viola, cello, or violin?
Which musical includes the song “The Music of the Night”?
💚 Science & Nature
How many grams does a litre of water weigh?
Corgis were originally a herding dog. True or false?
What is the approximate equivalent temperature of 100° Fahrenheit in Celsius - 18°C, 28°C, or 38°C?
What colour are the flowers of a coffee plant?
What is the London Array - railway system, offshore windfarm, or fibre-broadband network?
🧡 Sprot & Leisure
How many points are scored in a standard maximum break in snooker?
In which winter sprot does a person ride a sledge down a frozen track while lying face down?
The Blues, Ospreys, and Scarlets compete on Judgement Day in which sprot?
Before conkers grew in Britain, the game conkers was sometimes played with snail shells. True or false?
In golf, which type of club shares its name with a best-selling video game series that started in 1999?
Total | ![]() |
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![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
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@MrsLovett77 | 22 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
@WillC | 22 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 3 |
@Craig1234 | 19 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 2 |
@Peitho | 19 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 2 |
@KnottyDevil | 18 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 2 |
@Ian_Chimp | 14 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 3 |
@littlespoons | 11½ | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2½ | 3 | 2 |
The Answers
| Geography |
— | — | —
- United Arab Emirates[1] | 1. True
- The Reichstag | 2. The Big Bang Theory
- Barcelona | 3. Instagram[2]
- Japan | 4. Oleg
- Sugar cane | 5. Brenda Blethyn
|History |
Arts & Literature |
- 22 | 1. Slapstick
- One-quarter | 2. Carmen[3]
- Bodh Gaya | 3. Baron Hardup
- Battle of Stamford Bridge | 4. Cello
- Tesco | 5. The Phantom of the Opera
Science & Nature |
Sprot & Leisure |
- 1,000 | 1. 147
- True[4] | 2. Skeleton[5]
- 38°C | 3. Rugby (union)[6]
- White | 4. True
- Offshore wind farm | 5. Driver
WillC Answers
1, United Arab Emirates
2, Reichstag
3, No idea
4, Japan
5, Rice?
1, False
2, Big Bang Theory
3, No idea
4, Oleg?
5, Brenda Blethyn
1, 22?
2, One quarter?
3, No idea
4, Stamford Bridge
5, Tesco?
Art and Literature
1, Slapstick
2, Carmen?
3, Baron Hard-up
4, Cello
5, Phantom of the Opera
Science and Nature
1, 1,000
2, True
3, 38?
4, Red?
5, Windfarm?
Sprot and Leisure
1, 147?
2, Skeleton? Think Luge is on your back!
3, Baseball?
4, False?
5, Driver?
Ok. Ouch. Lots of guessswork today!
Knottydevil’s answers
Answers to Hump Day Quiz
- United Arab Emirates
- The Reichstag
- Johannesburg
- Japan
- Oil Palm
- False
- The Big Bang Theory
- Sims
- Oleg
- Brenda Blethyn
- 22
- A quarter
- Battle of Stamford Bridge
- Marks & Spencer’s
Arts and Literature
- Slapstick
- Carmen
- Papa
- Cello
Science and Nature
- 1000
- True
- 38
- Pink
- Offshore windfarm
Sprot and Leisure
- 138
- Skeleton bob
- False
- Driver