The Great Pub Quiz Game Thread

This is going to take more than my early morning non-functioning brain :sleeping: I will come back to it later and attempt again! :joy:


Only a teeny, tiny bit! :rofl:

(I’m most pleased that the format spacing worked for number 10 though. First time I’ve tried it. If anyone doesn’t have the 1 below the P and the 100 below the ci please let me know but it displays correctly on my phone.)


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Ooh these look interesting :smiley:

some answers here
  1. Tea for two
  2. :person_shrugging:
  3. Big fish in a little pond
  4. Sit down and shut up
  5. Too funny for words
  6. mind over matter
  7. Repeat oneself over time?
  8. :person_shrugging:
  9. Two wise you are, two wise you be, I see you are too wise for me
  10. :person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging::joy:
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What formating trick did you use?

My Attempt
  1. Tea for two
  2. Scrambled Eggs
  3. Big fish in a little pond
  4. Shut up and sit down
  5. Too funny for words
  6. Mind over matter
  7. 1111111 5:46
  8. Painless operation
  9. Too wise you are, too wise you be, I see you are too wise for me! (This one brings back memories from school!)
  10. P á ci ? = J a! 1 100
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Ok so I’m going to come back again to try to get number 10 but I think I have the others…

  1. Tea for two
  2. Scrambled eggs
  3. Big fish in a small pond
  4. Sit down and shut up
  5. Too funny for words
  6. Mind over matter
  7. Once upon a time
  8. Painless operation
  9. Too wise you are, too wise you be, I see you are too wise for me.
  10. I will work this one out if it kills me
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10 is really hard unless you’re French. I believe you are definitely capable of working out the reply. The invitation is near impossible if you haven’t heard of the venue!

Have replyed in the Sandpit @Ian_Chimp as off topic here :+1:t2:

Ok my basic french is being tested here- a cent (100) sous (under) ci = could join to make “a cent soucis” which translates to “a hundred worries” is this anywhere near the right lines for the answer?

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Very, very close but don’t literally translate that bit back to English… you’ve chosen the hardest possible part as that is a :ear: for the venue! Try the reply part in French but with the logic from question 3 which you got right.

Also full marks on all the others so you’re doing great!

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je grande, a petite (a big appetite!)

I’m getting there :joy: so it has to be something foodie

Ok edit: un sous p a cent sous ci = a souper a cent soucis (venue?), j’ai grande appetit or in English… Dinner at Cent Soucis? I’m very hungry


Well done @VanillaWithSprinkles !!!

The venue you won’t get if you don’t know it but you are absolutely there, the meaning of the invitation and reply are spot on! :clap::clap::clap:


Okay @Peitho… Here goes!

Answers to Rebus Puzzles
  1. Tea for two
  2. Scrambled eggs (this took me way too long to get - I feel like I don’t even deserve the point!!!)
  3. Big fish in a small pond
  4. Sit down and shut up
  5. Too funny for words
  6. Mind over matter
  7. I can’t work this out work :sob:
  8. Painless operation
  9. Two wise you are, too wide you be, I see you are too wise for me.
  10. Absolutely no clue!!
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Ah, I see now. I puzzled in English. Rookie mistake. :persevere:

Ah, yes failing to fully read the original quiz post makes it even harder!

…I learnt this on your identify the product in the picture round :rofl:

I read that the clue was in French, but I didn’t click that the answer was going to be. :slightly_smiling_face: What can I say? Je suis stupide. :man_shrugging:

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I’m 100% going to need a full explanation for number 10 when we get the answer because I can already predict I’m still not going to get it :joy:

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Rebus Puzzles Answers :jigsaw:

  1. Tea for two
  2. Scrambled Eggs
  3. A big fish in a little pond
  4. Sit down and shut up
  5. Too funny for words
  6. Mind over matter
  7. Once upon a time
  8. Painless operation
  9. Too wise you are, two wise you be, I see you are too wise for me!
  10. Literal… un sous p á cent sous ci? = J grand a petit! (1 under P á 100 under ci? = large J small a)
    To sound like… un souper á Sanssouci? = J’ai grand appetit!
    In English… A dinner at the Palace of Sanssouci? = I have a big appetite!

Seriously well done everyone who had a go and sorry about number 10! @SexInTheCity you definitely get your point for scrambled eggs even if you think you don’t deserve it, @Cassii certainly a half point, maybe full for Repeat oneself over time which does basically work I think :+1:t2:. @Ian_Chimp is Victorian Book of Rebus a real thing? …I googled it, couldnt find it though there are lots of books of Rebus puzzles. I might have to get one for the coffee table or bathroom :rofl:

Obviously the victor of this quiz is @VanillaWithSprinkles though for amazingly getting number 10! :tada::tada::tada:


Ha. Sorry, no. :slightly_smiling_face: It was a comment on the archaic language of, ‘Too wise you are…’ It sounded very Gollum. :slightly_smiling_face:

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