The Gym

Welcome my fellow Gym R.A.T.s (Raunchy, Amorous, Trainers; got a better idea tell me.)

(So don’t tell the Lovehoney Staff but I’ve been doing some remodelling and knocked through from The Lounge.)

I started back at the gym today, it was closed a lot and on reduced hours over the Christmas/New Years holiday’s and after two weeks of light workouts at home while I had family with me, they came north of the English boarder conquering their fears of roaming Highland Haggis

I thought this might be a good place to motivate each other as we start back at our gyms after the festivities with resolutions made to do better or work a little harder.

I am hoping this will be a place to ask for workout guidance, or helpful motivation when you’ve missed a day, or not seen that flirty friend @AWB1955. While some of us will not look as amazing as some people we’ve seen in the photo areas (you know who you are), we can be there to say well done at the end of a set. Or let’s get to it as you flag at the 6 week mark.

I don’t want to take away from the what are you wearing page but it would be nice to know More about your flirty gym fashion. Or how many women you made faint @MrGoodGuy when bench pressing. And it might be fun to know how many days you’ve gone wearing your butt plug.

Let’s just see where it goes. :lovehoney_heart:


Well weve just cancelled our gym membership so for me it will be back on the bike and more walking


So I’m letting the power shower pummel any possible tomorrow problems out of my muscles. I’m so glad modern phones are water resistant

I thought I’d go into the gym for a light session to just ease myself back in the things, well numpty here forgot! After a 1000 calorie run and my round robin of the different weight machines I felt good and pleased with myself.

Gym kit in the washer and dinner made home made korma (more about that in the kitchen) I I’m making sure I smell as clean as the gym kit will.

I suppose the first question is, what’s your routine or favourite machine?

I do a lot of walking with weight due to the job but nothing beats a wilderness trial or ramblers path on a weekend. :heart:

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Gyms but no swims? Humph. Fine. Well then I guess I’ll just have to take me and my Bond girl cossie elsewhere :triumph:


I’ve never been a gym person, but really need to start. Not because of resolutions or anything, but I’m a member of a recreational sports team who have entered a tournament for the first time this year. It’s exciting when we’ve not played competitively before, so we will still have fun and not take ourselves too seriously, but since we dont know what to expect from the other teams, I think it would be better to be fitter/stronger.

Complete gym newbie, so any beginners tips welcome! Any time i’ve been in a gym before, I’ve stuck to the cardio machines, so would need to start mixing it up.


I love to swim too, I was born to swim and when I’m more Neil Willie and not a whale I’ll be back at the pool just as much as the gym.

I loved to swim a mile that was my session target each time. It’s also nice to swim at a more leisurely pace with friends.

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Talk to the trainers at the gym they will help put a program together with you. It’s normally free if you are a fully paid member. It has been for the Scottish gyms I’ve been to.

Listen to your body, if you don’t it can end up hurting you more.

Drink water as needed and have the same mentality as you say your team has when it comes to the gym sessions. Fun first serious second,

If you can train as a team.

When I played rugby after training with them I trained with a tug of war team we pulled and lifted farm equipment in training together not solo.

And I wish you all the best for the competition.

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A mile?! Even I only do a kilometre a time. I have other things to do :joy:

I do wish i could get my swim speed up though. I’m nof particularly slow but the pool tends to be crowded and that holds me up.

Start humming a theme tune quite loudly while you swim they move either because they are scared or they think your mad.

Also to swim faster do one length just arms, one length just legs and the a length together. Then repeat until 1000 m is complete. That’s my swim routing for a mile and there’s always time for everything else planned in the day. We only need 5 hrs sleep right​:+1:t2:

I know you have reasons for not being able to do certain things but listen to your body and even if you just put your hands on a float in front of you while training your legs is enough. I’m more of a hands clasped behind my back and touch the bum.


Jaws theme tune it is! :joy:

Thanks for that, I had wondered about using a float and just powering a few lengths with my legs but that felt kind of lazy. I might have to buy myself a float and kick, kick, kick off the Christmas pudding!

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You could always ask to try one at the pool before you buy, then you don’t have the expense if you find it’s not your thing.

Also as you will be well aware of if you hands on the float are far in front you are streamline and it’s easier. To make it more difficult bring it closer to the body or make the float more of a wall you have to push through the water. Perpendicular to the pool. But that not a now thing.

Anyone else want to put an oar in this pool of thoughts?

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It’s in water. Of course it’s my thing :joy:

Alright letting someone else have a turn before we chatterboxes get in trouble again :blush:

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I fail to see how I can get you into trouble again; and it was my fault I’m a chatter box.

You asked me a legitimate question on health and fitness that requires a call and response conversation to be had. If we can’t have that anywhere in the forum then we are all guilty of breaking the rules and would have to wait for others to answer before a conversation resumes, as it 1:32 am the population of the forum is a handful.

But good night, and I hope the swimming goes well. If I or anyone here who reads this has an insight to help anyone please go so I’m always interested in learning something new. :heart:

It’s why I started the topic. Night all.

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It’s both our faults, we are both chatterboxes. I know neither of us meant sny trouble but I try to be extra careful now.

Again I thank you for yoir help, and yes, i am awake too, although struggling- It’s been a long day after earlier :joy:

@JGood Thank you for the honorable mention, think the only way I’d make girls pass out is with Chloroform :joy:

Like the idea of this area, motivation is a powerful tool.

Early Dec I went into hospital with a perferated bowel infection and sepsis, so my gym was on park. Docs said no gym til Jan, but I snook back early and did lighter weights.
Brucie bonus tho as I lost 2 stone (put some back on due to Xmas) but made me look a little more shredded, and I’m going for the athletic cut look.

So, to kick off here’s a few thoughts, that’ll hopefully help others.

  1. Just go!! - We don’t make gains sitting at home
  2. Keep going! Keep going keep going keep going - the amount of times I’ve put work in, then stopped going for no reason, lost gains and got back out of shape?
  3. Keep going!!!
  4. It’s a marathon not a sprint, take your time, get your form correct!
  5. Make going a routine, factor it into your week in advance, work other things round it.
  6. Men: pick which u want to do, bodybuilding, fitness, power lifting maybe. Fitness is just all round excersising, bodybuilders ISOLATE muscles, u don’t have to lift big, leave your ego at the door. Power lifting uses OTHER muscles, no isolation, and is different to bodybuilding and u do lift big. Look at Eddy Hall, he’s huge, but he’s not cut like a bodybuilder -
  7. Women : Gyms are far more multi sexed, in most gyms gone are the days of huge sweaty blokes grunting (a negative to some of you horny women :joy:) No Excuse, get in there!
  8. Do what makes you feel alive, swim, yoga ANYTHING, it’s all movement, it’s all getting active.
  9. Diet is probably No. 1 to be honest, 6 packs are made in the kitchen. (& in breweries lol)
  10. No point slaving in the gym to waste it with Sticky Buns, beer, Maccies and take aways. Equally do a cheat day, keep your metabolism guessing, and u from going insane.
  11. Keep going!
  12. Keep going
  13. Keep going
  14. Keep going

U won’t see gains overnight, so stop looking in the mirror, and standing on the sad step (scales)

I’m 27 months in and I now have gains, and I have body positivity, health, and the desire to look hot as I can for my wife.

What’s stopping you?
YOU ARE, no one else

OK you may have health issues, Google, ask, talk - find a way to work round them, if it’s possible

I look fat, and all the gym women are like stick insects - They started day 1 just like you, your not going to get how you want sat at home having a pity party.

Your beautiful, no I swear your all beautiful, and just like Forest Gumps box of chocolates, we all come in different shapes, sizes, colour’s and flavors.
You might look in the mirror and say how can someone fancy this, trust me, there’s lots of people who would drool over you, as desire is subjective.
So, do this for YOU, so YOU feel good, and positive.
You’ll have set backs, missed days, ups and downs, but if you KEEP GOING, eventually get there, and 1 day you’ll be the one who looks at the new Jan starter walking in, looking at you, and you’ll think and laugh that was me.

Every journey starts with a FIRST STEP, it’s 2025 - no more excuses.

Now get your sexy ass off this forum and go do something :+1:


Brilliant post @MrGoodGuy and very motivational.
As you say…start going and keep going :muscle:


I got myself off of the couch in March 2022. Have been hitting the gym minimum 3x per week since then. I’ve seen more muscle gains in my late-50s than previously in my entire life. I’m not training for Mr. Olympian competition or anything but at the rate we lose muscle mass when we age I’m trying to stay ahead of that. my workouts are fairly basic and almost exclusively on resistance machines (due to my clumsiness I avoid free wieghts with the exception of kettlebell farmer’s carry).
I have “push” days working Chest and Triceps
“Pull” days working back and biceps
then leg day with core and abs mixed in.
I do walk 30 mins every other day as well.

I am where I want to be? heck no, so I still go.
do I feel better for doing this? heck yes!

I have my Scorpio drive to thank for all of this. if I want something I will do it and pursue it with everything I have.

I don’t have any before/after pics to share, so no motivation in that respect but the first step is the hardest. as others have mentioned Just GO and keep going, your future self will thank you!


Hi, personal trainer here :wave: any questions feel free to tag me


Thank you for this and being noticed. I’m sure I will ask a few questions over time. But first off,

Why do people stop? Have you noticed any trends in those reasons and how to avoid it