@JGood Thank you for the honorable mention, think the only way I’d make girls pass out is with Chloroform
Like the idea of this area, motivation is a powerful tool.
Early Dec I went into hospital with a perferated bowel infection and sepsis, so my gym was on park. Docs said no gym til Jan, but I snook back early and did lighter weights.
Brucie bonus tho as I lost 2 stone (put some back on due to Xmas) but made me look a little more shredded, and I’m going for the athletic cut look.
So, to kick off here’s a few thoughts, that’ll hopefully help others.
- Just go!! - We don’t make gains sitting at home
- Keep going! Keep going keep going keep going - the amount of times I’ve put work in, then stopped going for no reason, lost gains and got back out of shape?
- Keep going!!!
- It’s a marathon not a sprint, take your time, get your form correct!
- Make going a routine, factor it into your week in advance, work other things round it.
- Men: pick which u want to do, bodybuilding, fitness, power lifting maybe. Fitness is just all round excersising, bodybuilders ISOLATE muscles, u don’t have to lift big, leave your ego at the door. Power lifting uses OTHER muscles, no isolation, and is different to bodybuilding and u do lift big. Look at Eddy Hall, he’s huge, but he’s not cut like a bodybuilder -
- Women : Gyms are far more multi sexed, in most gyms gone are the days of huge sweaty blokes grunting (a negative to some of you horny women ) No Excuse, get in there!
- Do what makes you feel alive, swim, yoga ANYTHING, it’s all movement, it’s all getting active.
- Diet is probably No. 1 to be honest, 6 packs are made in the kitchen. (& in breweries lol)
- No point slaving in the gym to waste it with Sticky Buns, beer, Maccies and take aways. Equally do a cheat day, keep your metabolism guessing, and u from going insane.
- Keep going!
- Keep going
- Keep going
- Keep going
U won’t see gains overnight, so stop looking in the mirror, and standing on the sad step (scales)
I’m 27 months in and I now have gains, and I have body positivity, health, and the desire to look hot as I can for my wife.
What’s stopping you?
YOU ARE, no one else
OK you may have health issues, Google, ask, talk - find a way to work round them, if it’s possible
I look fat, and all the gym women are like stick insects - They started day 1 just like you, your not going to get how you want sat at home having a pity party.
Your beautiful, no I swear your all beautiful, and just like Forest Gumps box of chocolates, we all come in different shapes, sizes, colour’s and flavors.
You might look in the mirror and say how can someone fancy this, trust me, there’s lots of people who would drool over you, as desire is subjective.
So, do this for YOU, so YOU feel good, and positive.
You’ll have set backs, missed days, ups and downs, but if you KEEP GOING, eventually get there, and 1 day you’ll be the one who looks at the new Jan starter walking in, looking at you, and you’ll think and laugh that was me.
Every journey starts with a FIRST STEP, it’s 2025 - no more excuses.
Now get your sexy ass off this forum and go do something