✏️ The Review Writing Routine

Good tip: I just had to go hunting around the house for the size label


@Ian_Chimp, do you know if when writing a review, can I put a word in italics successfully? Has this been done before? I hope so as it seems such a basic bit of punctuation that I’ve always been afraid to use by just putting a word within two ** :sweat_smile:

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To be honest, I’ve gone off the reviewing now the sites swopped over, so I’m not entirely sure? I think I’ve seen emojis in the new reviews, but I’m not sure if they accept the markdown.

I’ve just submitted one with a bit of bold and italics in to test it out. Hopefully that should give us a better idea. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks so much @Ian_Chimp, let us know the results :smiling_face::grimacing:


I find it hard to write reviews sometimes, I always cover the basics like the material, size, shape, and difficulties I had. I try to include what learnt after purchasing the product and using it a few times. What a better alternative might be if you can afford and also the type of person the product might suit. I always feel that some toys are a shot in the dark having someone who has reviewed it and given not only there experience but also who they think the product would suit I find is a big help.

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I think this is one of the most helpful parts of a review and something I always look for when reading reviews


The review has gone live, but I’m afraid it’s asterisks, not italics or bold. :slightly_frowning_face:

(it’s on the Meg’s Menopause wash)


Thanks for trying @Ian_Chimp :sweat_smile: I wonder if @Lovehoney_Brenna has any idea how we can use italics on a word in reviews? I cannot believe something so basic isn’t an option, it’s not like using fancy fonts etc it’s just basic English writing :grin:


Yup, it’s frustrating. I’ve tried too before now

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Another review tip: When your review is all done, read it another time or two before you submit it on the product page! Once you submit it, you can’t make any edits, and it drives me nuts when I come across a review I’ve written and notice that I accidentally omitted a word from a sentence or used the wrong its/it’s :persevere: but I don’t think I’ve made a there/their/they’re mistake yet :roll_eyes::+1:


Agreed. And to add to this, check it on a different sized screen if you can, such as a Note (or similar) on both mobile and tablet, or switch the orientation of your usual devices from portrait to landscape; it’s amazing how many more errors you see when your text wraps differently and flows in longer/shorter line-lengths across the page. :+1:


Ooh, i hate this too. Yes, definitely recheck for spelling and grammar mistakes. Theyr so easy to overlook. I have a few reviews up that bug me as i missed out words :woman_facepalming:


@PKH @Baby_Jane @Green_Eyed_Girl you are all totally right. I have finally created the habit of running the review through MS Word, just to make sure that everything is wordsmithed properly. Nothing more annoying than forgetting your “i” before “e” except after “c”.

Personally, I preset my review in the My Reviews as a draft so that I make sure it has the layout I want when it is submitted to the site. That is if I am not hammering out back to back reviews!


All of this is actually very good advise. Thank you for all of the tips and dos and donts. All of you beauties are super awesome.


@Baby_Jane that”s a good tip.

I begin by drafting random notes/ideas on my iPhone’s Notes app before making an initial draft.

I continue editing and revising until I am satisfied with the organisation and content.

I then copy and paste the final draft into an email and send it from my iPhone to my email address. When I can access my laptop, I open the email, copy the contents into a Word doc and expand the text before making any final edit and revision (if needed) before its submission.

I too have been embarrassed by the number of occasions when I’ve sent email/ reviews/posts (as now!!) only to discover later the typos and glaring omissions I have made.

Brings a whole new slant on the term “Sticky Fingers”.


(Sent from my iPhone).


Hello, apologies if I’m posting this is in the wrong place but my question doesn’t really seem to fit anywhere.

I’ve only written three reviews so far. All have gone live but only one has been published with my quality/ease of use etc ratings and pros/cons/bottom line summaries. They’ve been completely omitted on the other two.

Am I doing something wrong?

I don’t think so, I have had this with a couple of reviews too but I’ve no idea why. The most recent one though was published without the extra details but they did appear a couple of days later (…or at least have now because I just rechecked it lol). Therefore, it might be worth checking again to make sure they’ve not now appeared. I think this may be a question for @Lovehoney_Brenna to answer though.