The Sandbox

I’ve replied in the Sandbox as it’s the best place to have a practice. :slightly_smiling_face:

It didn’t look like your quote quite worked out how it was supposed to. It should look a little like this in your reply window:

[quote=“Alyssa646, post:9483, topic:266126”]
I think I’ve done it, thank you


The extra stuff joins it all together and makes it swish: :slightly_smiling_face:

Feel free to have as many goes as you need in here. :+1:

And to do the blue hyperlinks you can use the :link: wizard in your reply editor. You put the web address in the top box, and the text to display in the bottom. That will automatically format it to look something like this in your reply window:

[Welcome Topic](

But will look like this in your post:

Welcome Topic