The Sandbox

:scream: :scream: :scream: That is frustrating in the extreme.

@Ian_Chimp can you help me please, to save me trawling my way through the Sandbox, can you tell me or give me a link how to add a link to some text I write please?

Not sure how to explain this :smile::woman_facepalming:t3:

I think you just need the :link: symbol in your format bar (if I’m understanding you right?).

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Thanks @Ian_Chimp you’re are the best x

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Being as the forum is based on positivity, a limit on likes seems a bit counterproductive. I don’t see how unlimited likes would be a problem.

I think it’s to make them more meaningful.


Ok, just testing this out.

Cowgirl Premium

Yayyyyy I did a clever! :clap:t2:


For the most part it’s harder than you’d expect to max it out, i purposely maxed it out yesterday (i wanted to test the limit) and it was actually hard to do and felt really weird. I think people like IanChimp max it out more because a lot of his posts are helping people or about the new forum so he covers a lot of different discussions


I maxed out this morning and i don’t think i hit THAT many likes! I will have to be more harsh! :wink:

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And you can use the same :link: box for this too: :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Though a more apt example may be if you type in ‘upload 2020’, and it’ll suggest the Uploaded Photos 2020 topic to auto-fill. :+1:

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The Sandbox


What a time to be alive.

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 If you fancy another tiny extra tip

You can tick the ‘Search this topic’ in the Search, and it’ll give you only results from this topic. :+1:

Alternatively, if you wanted to just see my posts from this topic you can bring up my mini profile pop-up and you should see a grey box under my profile pic with ‘x posts in topic’. If you click on that it’ll give you a truncated topic made up of only my posts in it (this one is useful for checking Brenna’s list updates in Sex Toy Tester Thread 2020) :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

ETA: (That last one is also really useful on Uploaded Photos 2020 :+1:)

Ok this is random even for this thread but i wanted to double check before trying (i will delete this if it goes against any rules). For tester items/secret tester items, you submit your review using this generic review link right?

It’s my 1st time and i want to make sure i don’t do anything wrong and get banned already :rofl: (if there is already a thread answering this please send a link, i did try the search function but couldn’t find any absolute answers)


You’re absolutely right. :+1:

If it’s live on the site then use the review link on the product page (as it’s easier all round). But if it’s not live then you’ve got to use the generic link. :+1:


Thank you so much, sorry i just get very nervous about basically everything especially for the 1st time (and I’m hoping I’ll possibly be able to test some other stuff later so really don’t want to get blacklisted)


You won’t get blacklisted for that. :slightly_smiling_face: That’s only for really flaky, loud-mouthed people who don’t keep deadlines, and keep blabbing about the secret stuff (I’m paraphrasing :slightly_smiling_face:).

If you’re worried you can check with @Lovehoney_Brenna after you’ve submitted it to see if it arrived safely. :+1:

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Thank you for your help, i think I’ll email to check on Monday if i haven’t heard anything by then

@Ian_Chimp I’ve been making my links differently. If you use the square brackets and regular brackets you can make a link. [ link name ]( Web address ) ← Like that but without the spaces. Might be easier on desktop though!

That’s right. :+1: You can skip the format buttons for bold and italic too and just use the Markdown tags. So:

italic *italic*
bold **bold**
italic bold ***italic bold***

Or you can use the html tags a bit like the old place (eg. <b></b> <i></i>, as well as the <a href=format for embedded links).

It’s really versatile. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Also a fan of big text and little text

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