The Sandbox

Very close, but it seems you’ve pasted the product name in the middle of your size numbers. :slightly_smiling_face:

So name on the left of the |, and size on the right:

![Lifelike Lover Luxe Realistic Colour-Changing Silicone Dildo 7 Inch | 200x265](upload://hJQmmF7En7oYScfSadWQA64nioE.jpeg)

Bugger! I’ll try again :slightly_smiling_face:

Nope that’s not right either


Both of those are good. :slightly_smiling_face::+1: The first one doesn’t have a name, but displays just fine without one (most people leave it as ‘image’ or whatever their screenshot was numbered as, so renaming is definitely optional).

The next trick is popping a couple of smaller ones so they’ll appear side by side. :slightly_smiling_face: And that’s as easy as changing the size of each to 150x200, and putting the second one straight after the first (with or without a space is fine). Like so:

![Lifelike Lover Luxe Realistic Colour-Changing Silicone Dildo 7 Inch|150x200](upload://hJQmmF7En7oYScfSadWQA64nioE.jpeg) ![Lifelike Lover Luxe Realistic Colour-Changing Silicone Dildo 7 Inch|150x200](upload://hJQmmF7En7oYScfSadWQA64nioE.jpeg)


Perfect. :+1:

And you can turn them into links as well. Just copy the product link you want, highlight the full bit of one image code, and use the :link: icon to pull up the link wizard. The bottom box should be prefilled with the image code you highlighted, and you paste the product link into the top box. Which should look a bit like this:



Or you can manually put [ ] brackets round the display text/image code, and ( ) round the link rather than use the link wizard:

[Product Name/image code](Product Link)

Err think I’ll call it day for now, can’t quite manage to get the whole highlighting thing right but thanks @Ian_Chimp, you’ve been a great help and I’ve learned a few things :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think you’ve cracked the useful bit. :+1: The photo links are just a bit of garnish. :slightly_smiling_face:

But… (just in case anyone else is following along) if selecting text and using the link wizard isn’t for you, then you can quickly pop the right brackets in the right places yourself. Square ones round the image code, and regular ones round the link. And don’t leave a space between the two. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


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I’m trying to find an easier way of laying out the stats in the bottom row, and was wondering if your Rebus layouts would offer up any tricks I wasn’t aware of? At the moment it’s all  , which I’m finding a bit fiddly to adapt to the change in digits each time. The columns are also centre aligned, which doesn’t help. :slightly_smiling_face:

5-6¼ Inches: | | |
| :—: | :—: | :—: | :—:
| Gläs Pure Indulgence | Lovehoney Curved G-Spot | Gläs Mr Swirly |
:ballot_box_with_check: Flip it? | Anal :ballot_box_with_check: | £20
:negative_squared_cross_mark: Flip it? | Anal :ballot_box_with_check: | £30
:negative_squared_cross_mark: Flip it? | Anal :ballot_box_with_check:

| | |
Circ: 6¼"   Head: ?
  Ins: 7¼"  Neck: ?
  Lgth: 8"   Mid: ?
   Wght: ?   Btm: ?
- |   Circ: 5¼"   Head: ?
Ins: 8½"  Neck: ?
  Lgth: 9"   Mid: ?
   Wght: ?   Btm: ?
     Flare: ? |   Circ: 5"   Head:  5"
  Ins: 8"  Neck: 3¼"
Lgth: 9"  Mid: 3¼"
Wght: 292g Btm: 3¼"
     Flare:   6"

I’m afraid mine are all a combination of   ,   and   . Combinations give very slightly different spacing so you can get better line ups but I’m afraid it definitely doesn’t make it any less fiddly. Doesn’t help that the preview often doesn’t quite match what actually gets posted so you generally have to go back in and readjust anyway!

Can’t help with an easier way I’m afraid but the stats look good in the example above.

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Curved G Spot Glass Dildo

Just figuring this stuff out :see_no_evil:


I’m still finding out how to do stuff and I’ve been here ages! :joy: That’s why The Sandbox is so handy!

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Um, is there a way to write a fraction @Ian_Chimp? I’m doing some glass toy measurements so need to write things like 3 1/2 but it would be better if the 1/2 looked more like a fraction!

Absolutely. :+1:

I use the html codes, though I think there are others ways too:

¼ ¼
½ ½
¾ ¾


Oooh! Clever :partying_face:

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You need the semi colon at the end :+1:
(Never mind - you got it!)

If using a phone though, if you just hold the 1 for a moment all the fractions with a 1 numerator should come up as options (½⅓¼⅕⅙⅛), same for the 3 for ¾. If not using a phone this advice is probably useless! :rofl:


I am on a phone and that was very helpful! I never knew I could do that!


I did wonder where they were. :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: Instant takeback. This does not work on my phone. :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit Edit: But it does work if I flip the keyboard to number pad. :+1:


Oooo I never knew this either great tip @Peitho.

It works for me how Mr chimp mentioned, flip to the number pad.


Um, stupid question. How do I add a photo to a thread? I’ve taken a screenshot on my phone of my bdsm test results and wanted to add it to the thread but I can’t see how to do it! :see_no_evil:

There’s a picture icon in the bottom right of your reply editor (on mobile). :+1:

There’s a bit more detail in the Big Photo Guide

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