The Sandbox

Ideally it’d be good for it to be done in one Discobot-ing, so the dice would have to have the same number of sides. I think that way would need a 14 sided and a 10 sided? (it’s early, so I may have misunderstood :slightly_smiling_face:)

I think using two dice like I have been makes it easier to roll a mid-range number, as there are multiple combinations to make each. Whereas there are fewer combinations to make numbers at the lower/higher ends (eg 1 + 1 vs 49+51/48+52/47+53 etc etc). So the probability of rolling 100 is much greater than rolling a 2.

I’m thinking 1 die is the only way to go. I’m thinking alternate weeks will dictate the start point. So even rounds are 1-120, and odd 20-140 (the top number will increase by 1 each week, but this method should cover us until there’s 240 posts :slightly_smiling_face:).

Ooh, comes with complications when it isn’t a total of multiple of 10 (…though 141 could be a 3 sided and a 47 sided, 142 could be a 2 sided and a 71 sided?) but I like it because it does result in a completely fair roll combining the two numbers this way with the first dictating the section of numbers to use and the second the specific number within it. Means, despite rolling the 2 dice every outcome is weighted equally. Impossible for prime numbers but all others would work.

Do you think you could demonstrate it? I mean, obviously I totally understand it 100%. But just so everyone else can follow along too…

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Does have to be two rolls for discobot but the outcome is a fair chance for every possible number, for example:

For 141 possible answers (using as example of slightly trickier numbers)

Roll one would be 1d3 to let you know whether to use numbers 1-47, 48-94 or 95-141

Roll 2 would be 1d47 which tells you which number within the section to use.

(For 140, would be 1d14 then 1d10, etc.)

ETA 149 would be the first prime but you maybe just roll it as 150 and hope 150 doesn’t come up :rofl:

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Yayyy I’ve learnt something @Ian_Chimp

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I’ve just spotted a link symbol shows up when you select a header in the How To. :slightly_smiling_face: If you long-press on it you can grab the section link. :+1:

This one is for Quoting. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

@Ian_Chimp @Peitho Sorry had a bad night sleeping so only just decided I got enough sleep just recently.

So I was thinking 1d15 (if I’m understanding the die then this would role number between 1 & 15), then another 1d10

Bot rolls 9 & 6 so this would be 96
Bot rolls 3 & 10 = 30
Bot rolls 15 & 9 = 9 (I think we have below 150 based on other messages so the 15 would be 0 so we can use the low numbers)
Not rolls 13 & 9 = 139

Hopefully you can see my thoughts now, I think it should make the odds of any number very even

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It’s taken me 2 months to notice something off with the method I’ve been using, so I’m not going to pretend I can tell if either of those ways is fair or not. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think my main hesitation is that they’d take two Discobot interactions, rather than one. I could do it in my Discobot topic to keep the topics tidy, but then I may as well just pick one myself and lie to you all about it. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve asked Brenna if we can have a better dice roller. Hopefully she says yes. :slightly_smiling_face::crossed_fingers:


Ah he/she (not sure how bot self identifies) can roll any number of dice but only if they are the same number of sides.

I see the issue now, could do double it so rather than 15 do 30 the tens would still work normally.

Then 28 would be 14 and 29 would be 9 for a total 149 :man_shrugging:

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Like this… hopefully discobot can just have a random number generator algorithm added :crossed_fingers:

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I know this is pretty basic, but how do you get the grey box within a post? Like @Ian_Chimp has done here at the bottom?

Sorry, I know it’s probably somewhere in the Sandbox but I could think what to search for!

The blockquote?

If so, you can highlight the text you want to blockquote and press the quote mark symbol in your format bar. Or you can put the > symbol manually at the start of each paragraph you want to blockquote (+ the line spaces inbetween if you want it to be continuous). :+1:


Bottom Line
Marks out of 10

Ah amazing, that was simple! Thank you :blush:

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And if you fancy the centering of the photo and title that’s: (with a little ‘big’ thrown in for the title text)

<div align=“center”>


<big>[Title] </big>



It’s looking good :+1: But we may have to wait a bit. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll roll a 1d120 tomorrow and see what we get.

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I’ll try and put a whole template in:

<small>by @username, Date of Review
[Product Name](Product Link)</small>

<div align="center">

![Product Name|200x265](image upload)

<big>Review Title</big>


Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text Review Text

> **Overall Rating:** ? out of 5 stars
> **Pros:**
> **Cons:**
> **Bottom Line:**

And then just copy and paste the bits of the review from the product page into the right places. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: After a little tweak, it’s now possible to copy the above and paste it into your reply window to create a base-template. :slightly_smiling_face:


I genuinely don’t know if this will be helpful or not, but here’s my method: :slightly_smiling_face:

Go to the product page.

Grab photo and paste into correct spot in review template. Change size to 200x265.

Copy product name, and paste that into the image name field (optional, but makes the photos appear in Search results). And then paste it again under the byline at the top.

Copy the product page link, and then highlight the product name you’ve just pasted under the byline and turn that into a hyperlink (:link:)

Go to your review (you can search for keywords you know you like to use to thin them out a bit). Take a note of the review date, and type that into the review template.

Open ‘read more’.

Highlight the title and a sizeable chunk of the review text, and then swipe up and past the header (if using a phone/tablet) to avoid getting tangled in the header. Highlight all of it, including title and pros/cons/bottom line, and copy.

Paste into the main review text section. From there split out the title and cut and paste that into the proper spot.

Delete the ‘read more…’, ‘read less’, any extra gumph.

Add paragraphs, fix any formatting (they’ve all reverted to original submissions, so there are a few { brackets and stuff knocking about).

Re-jig Pros, Cons, Bottom Line. Add Overall Rating (counting the stars is the easiest way).

And I think that’s that. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nope, I can’t get to grips with this at all. I can’t manage to upload the image without it appearing in the wrong place or being massively large and also all the text is literally all over the place :disappointed:

To be honest, I don’t really understand any of it! I think I’ll be giving this a swerve until I’ve read the whole of The Sandbox thread and got a grip on how to do this!

I’m just pinning all my hopes on Lovehoney bringing back the reviews link to our profiles!

Don’t worry if it’s too much of a ball-ache. :slightly_smiling_face:

Grabbing images is useful though for lots of different stuff. That’s worth a mini-practice if you’ve not cracked it yet. :+1:

If you long-press on the main product image you can copy it, and then paste it into a reply window. It’ll be 375x500, so quite large, but you can change that to 200x265 and that will make it more screen-friendly. :+1: (and you can change ‘image’ to the name of the product too so it shows up in search)




![Womanizer X Lovehoney Pro40 Rechargeable Clitoral Stimulator|200x265](upload://vDSoME3R633FVBDmzqGK2CYHebZ.jpeg)

Some other good proportions (for the Lovehoney sized photos):

200x265 Solo
150x200 Two side by side
125x167 Polls and galleries
100x133 Three side by side
75x100 Four side by side
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