Things you don't like ......???

There are lots of threads allowing you to express your likes. How about your dislikes ?

You're allowed two words this time.

The first letter of the first word must follow the previous alphabetical order.

I'll start with A for ..............Arse Lickers

Chewing loudly

Dog poo

Elastic waistbands

French superiority

Ganganam style (enough already)

Hangovers!! though i never get them - so grown up nowadays lol


judgemental morons

keeping wicket (my eyes are too bad)

Loan adverts!!

moaning people (get on with life)

PPI insurance claim companies

Spitting in public

People who don't put their hand over their mouth when they yawn

FoxyStoat wrote:

There are lots of threads allowing you to express your likes. How about your dislikes ?

You're allowed two words this time.

The first letter of the first word must follow the previous alphabetical order.

I'll start with A for ..............Arse Lickers

Should we stick to the thread or do we not know the alphabeth

oh dear what happened to 'n' 'o' 'q' and 'r'? lol it me or is everyone else using a different alphabet ????


If we are going back to start from N again mine is...

Not Listening

Over reactions