Thoughts on sexy self-pictures

Hi all,

I'm about to write quite a big essay for uni about the representation of women within media, and particularly film. Whilst very much in the planning stages, I'm thinking of connecting how often we see scantily clad women on TV and in movies, and whether it has anything to do with the rush of women taking sexy photos of themselves and putting them up on the internet.

I was wondering if any of you had any thoughts on this. It doesn't have to be anythng revolutionary - I just thought I'd put the topic to you lovely people and see what happened. I'd be interested to know;

  • Why you put up photos of yourself?
  • Where you put them up (in general, I don't need full direct links!)
  • What you put up.
  • Where do you draw the line?

So basically, any thoughts on this would be much appreciated! And although I am aiming this mostly at the ladies, if any of you gents have something to say I'd love to hear it

Finally, I thought I'd say - please don't think I'm going to demonise or spin anything you say! I only want to know your opinions, and I'll formulate an argument around them rather than the other way around. And I won't be asking for any kind of contact details or anything - it's just an essay, so whatever goes up on your post will do

Huge thanks!

Personally it has nowt - or very little to do with being "desensitised" due to media photos and everything to do with the type of person I am.

I've worked hard to be confident with my figure - especially after being told time and time again I'm "skinny", "too thin", "need to eat", "look annorexic", "flat chested" etc. etc.

Finally I'm happy with me, and I figure - I'm only young once, might aswell make the most of my figure whilst I've got it.

I wear figure hugging and sometimes revealing clothes but I think I do it in an empowering (for me) and classy way. I don't dress like a slut and I certainly don't do it for attention - I'm just making the most of my figure.

A natural extension of that is to share photos. I've had a nearly nude profile photo here since the day I joined and it's all about having self confidence for me and for others - because I can be confident being far from "model like" then so can anyone else - I'd also hope that my frankness helps with that - I'm very honest about my imperfections but people rarely notice them themselves (or even believe the exist) and hopefully that's evidence that people *really* don't notice imperfections and we should all focus on the positivity instead. I especially hope I can boost the confidence of very slender women since I feel they're kind of preyed upon by the media these days and most naturally thin women I meet are crushingly insecure. I share product photos because I find them immensley useful myself and want to help others who aer umming and ahhing over a purchase.

For me - the line is currently full nudity (unless tastefully disguised but mentally I've no real issue with it - it's just something I only share with WandA for the time being. Having said that, there are circumstances where I'd consider it - but at the minute it's a boundary.


P.s. apologies if this is rambly - I'm mid essay myself so rushing a little.

I think the link between sexy pics and the media is grossly exaggerated.

When have new technologies not been used to titillate people? Only the other day I was reading about the only artist Shakespeare references in his work, someone making early sex position prints. The Greeks liked the odd kinky goblet or vase and we've always had flashers and public sex etc... It is only the medium that has changed not human nature.

People like sex and always have, it just so turns out it's now rather easy to post what we previously couldn't. What has changed is how liberal society is, things are now alot more forgiving than they used to be.

As a fella, it's not for me but then it wouldn't surprise me if one day I end up paranoid on my own little island claiming they're out to get me, finances permitting of course. I avoid FB and social networking, I hate having any photo of me taken so I certainly don't want my nobbly and knobby bits for all to see.

I don't buy magazines or watch much TV and haven't the patience to sit through films so, other than music and a select few sites on the internet, I don't really get exposed to much media.

I personally don't put pics of myself online, but my Husband loves to post pics of me on amateur websites, which I don't really mind regardless of their content, so long as there's nothing that gives away my identity - and I feel this way because of my reputation as a business-woman - would hate for a customer to recognise me, or indeed a family member!

I don't have great love of my body, but I've learnt to like the bits that bother me and at the end of the day, my Husband really enjoys taking the pictures and the reactions from others.

I battled anorexia for just over 4 years and nearly lost my life to it, so I am relatively proud of my 'healthy 10/12' body now.

I have no desire to share the photo's, but am not against it. My Husband shows me the photo's he's taken and would only post them with my agreement.

As regulars are aware I have "issues" with my body and it's been a long battle that seems to vary day by day. Posting my photo here is a bit of a double edge sword really as whilst people here are very supportive and mature with their comments I'm also aware that I'm seeking acceptance from others - which in a way is a bad thing as I need to be happy with myself.

Yet I have posted photos of my erect penis on other sites and do have photos of my penis currently on newbie nudes. I also have a non-sexual photo of me naked on the British Naturism web site. Like I said it's complicated because I can hate my body and yet post photos exposing myself to all....

Alicia D'amore wrote:

Personally it has nowt - or very little to do with being "desensitised" due to media photos and everything to do with the type of person I am.

I've worked hard to be confident with my figure - especially after being told time and time again I'm "skinny", "too thin", "need to eat", "look annorexic", "flat chested" etc. etc.

Finally I'm happy with me, and I figure - I'm only young once, might aswell make the most of my figure whilst I've got it.

I wear figure hugging and sometimes revealing clothes but I think I do it in an empowering (for me) and classy way. I don't dress like a slut and I certainly don't do it for attention - I'm just making the most of my figure.

A natural extension of that is to share photos. I've had a nearly nude profile photo here since the day I joined and it's all about having self confidence for me and for others - because I can be confident being far from "model like" then so can anyone else - I'd also hope that my frankness helps with that - I'm very honest about my imperfections but people rarely notice them themselves (or even believe the exist) and hopefully that's evidence that people *really* don't notice imperfections and we should all focus on the positivity instead. I especially hope I can boost the confidence of very slender women since I feel they're kind of preyed upon by the media these days and most naturally thin women I meet are crushingly insecure. I share product photos because I find them immensley useful myself and want to help others who aer umming and ahhing over a purchase.

For me - the line is currently full nudity (unless tastefully disguised but mentally I've no real issue with it - it's just something I only share with WandA for the time being. Having said that, there are circumstances where I'd consider it - but at the minute it's a boundary.


P.s. apologies if this is rambly - I'm mid essay myself so rushing a little.

Bravo Ad, completly agree, since i was about 8 i've been accused of being anorexic, bulimic, etc etc etc, im not, im a tall bird and naturally skinny, i cant help it. im 5"10 and a size 6 and i blame the skinny celebs who flucuate for attention for peoples wrong and often harsh opinions on my dinkiness i may be slim, but i have no bones sticking out and generally look rather healthy.

This is the only place aside from between me and my partner i've ever had the nerve to put semi nude pics, the only reason they aren't completly nude is because iv lost my camera cable lol! You have to be open minded to be on here really and everyone is non judgemental and gives out so many compliments its lovely :)

The media is discraseful. If a woman puts weight on shes depressed, if she loses it shes depressed, never mind the fact our weight flucuates with frame of mind, diet, menstrual cycle, time of year (oooo christmas....) and many other things even a certain outfit can change a womans body shape dramatically.

My personal opinion is that the media is the reason so many people hate what they are and see it "wrong" when the only thing wrong is the thing they consider right, which is over airbrushed women with over inflated lips, unnaturally crease free faces and the body shape (and often mental capacity) of a barbie doll.

WE are all normal, beautiful people, inside and out, and its a shame that some people don't believe this.

Any who, bit of a rant, not entirely sure thats what you wanted External Media but you know me, any chance to rant, and im there, and to everyone lacking confidence, you're beautiful sexy and your all such lovely people, i'd **** you all External Media


HUGE thanks to all of you for taking the time to answer me questions Keep it all coming!

No worries about 'rants' and stuff, I just prefer to call it 'passion'

Some great stuff here. I can definately see a couple of quotes I may find useful. I've just finished watching American Beauty which very much ties into the ideology of what physical beauty is. Need to watch Silence of the Lambs again before I do further prep. Also gonna use Sin City, but I've seen that a billion times already. This may all seem very random, but I swear it all ties together in my head!

I would really like to discuss this further on here now since women in the media is a subject that really fascinates me. But I won't, at least until I've finished my essay. I want people's own opinions, rather than responses to mine

Good luck with the essay Paddy. It's a topic that pops up often.

I like this link the lovely TL posted a while ago:

WandA wrote:

Good luck with the essay Paddy. It's a topic that pops up often.

I like this link the lovely TL posted a while ago:

Had a quick browse and it's very interesting! Will try and get something I can use from there, if only to put 'Pervocracy' in my bibliography External Media

  • Why you put up photos of yourself? Im quite self confident so from time to time i like to dress up in pvc, costumes, stockings etc and take pics of myself to help increase my self esteem. I like feedback which is generally positive as it boosts how i feel abut my body

  • Where you put them up (in general, I don't need full direct links!) Explicit ones i only send to my man via phone or email,noone else ses though bar him and i. I only add pics of myself in costume online on here or facebook and i check with my fella first as i wouldnt want him to feel i was exposing myself to others when i shouldnt be.

  • What you put up. Mostly costumes like nurse, french maid, naughty santa etc.

  • Where do you draw the line? No bare buttocks, breast or foof online

Why you put up photos of yourself?
Mostly because I like showing how the clothes and lingere from LH look on someone of my height and proportions. I think product pictures are important because not all items will suit everyone, I think it's brilliant that LH encourage customers to give honest (unairbrushed, unaltered) demonstrations of how various items fit different people. I use product pics to get an idea of whether I think something would fit me well so I think it's only fair to join in!

The other reason I put them up is because I think some of the photos look nice. I used to be a 5 stone bag of bones so now I look healthier I'm more grateful for my body and don't mind showing it.

Where you put them up (in general, I don't need full direct links!)

Only on LH and my LH facebook.

What you put up.

Pictures of me in lingere and clothing.

Where do you draw the line?

My line is essentially what the LH rules are, nothing too explicit: no nips or pussy!

I also don't show my face (I don't want my family and friends to see me in any remotely sexual context).


Just wanted to say thank you to you all. This has really helped with my essay, which is now nearly finished Much love! x