🇬🇧 UK Special Offers, Top Sale Picks and DOTD

:hibiscus: Monday 18th October

:gift: Free Gifts

:tropical_drink: Buy One Get One Half-Price

:octopus: Other Offers


Tuesday 19th October
:star2: Deal of the Day :star2:

Lovehoney Hidden Talent 10 Function Rechargeable Knicker Vibrator
£50 £25 (50% off)

Batteries Required: None

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Wednesday 20th October
:star2: Deal of the Day :star2:

Lifelike Lover Classic Realistic Dildo 8 Inch
Flesh Pink
£25 £15 (40% off)

Batteries Required: None

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*Terms and Conditions
Offer ends 11:59pm BST Wednesday 20th October 2021. Lovehoney holds the right to end the promotion at any given time. Add the coupon code 20OFF2 on the basket page. One coupon code per order. Offer cannot be used with other offers and excludes the products and brands detailed here

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This is the best investment I’ve ever made into my sex life. I love both roles in the swing giving and receiving. It spreads everything open and easy to get to. I do have a rotating hook hanging in the middle of my bedroom though, i take the swing down until it’s needed.


Thursday 21st October
:star2: Deal of the Day :star2:

Desire Luxury Rechargeable Remote Control Strapless Strap-On
£90 £45 (50% off)

Batteries Required: Vibrator is rechargeable; Remote Control requires a CR2032 (One included I think?)

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It looks like a CR2032 one, but you may want to pop a post in Product Descriptions - Extra Info?

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Terms and Conditions
Offer ends 11:59pm BST Thursday 21st October 2021. Lovehoney holds the right to end the promotion at any given time. Add the coupon code ADVENT20 on the basket page. One coupon code per order. Offer only valid on the Couple’s Advent Calendar and cannot be used with other offers.


Friday 22nd October
:star2: Deal of the Day :star2:

Lovehoney Dream Rabbit Rechargeable Silicone Triple Rabbit Vibrator
£60 £36 (40% off)

Batteries Required: None

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  • I voted by accident :woman_facepalming:t2:
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There are a couple of new ones in there:


Saturday 23rd October
:star2: Deal of the Day :star2:

Lovehoney Late Night Liaison Blue Crotchless Lace Body
£30 £18 (40% off)

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Sunday 24th October
:star2: Deal of the Day :star2:

Bondage Boutique Kinky Couple Bedroom Restraint Kit 5 Piece
£35 £21 (40% off)

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Looks great if you’ve got rails on the bed.

Always a pre requisite for bed purchase :wink:


I’ve got an under mattress set up :upside_down_face:


Monday 25th October
:star2: Deal of the Day :star2:

Tracey Cox Supersex Powerful Rechargeable Bullet Vibrator
£45 £22.50 (50% off)

Batteries Required: None

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Our got to bullet. Really good. Probably our most used toy.


This is the first DOTD I’ve looked at in ages and thought, “Hmmm, that looks really good, can I justify it?”

The only bullet I use regularly is my Mantric but I do have the Mantric Wand, the Tracey Cox Squishy Wand, a Doxy Wand and my Melt to satisfy my clit so I’m not quite sure I can justify it for those times with OH vs the Mantric bullet. Such a quandary :woman_shrugging:t2:


Is it squishy like the wand?


I’m quite tempted by this from the reviews but I don’t really use bullets much now, I really hate having it buzz my hand when I’m holding it. The liquid silicone tip is really intriguing though! Wish I hadn’t just put an order in last week now.

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