
Has anyone ever done web caming before like on a site and been paid for or would you. I have recently sighed up for a site and been approved just wondered if worth it and will Iearn money.

If you use the seach function on the forum, the spyglass at the top and type in ‘webcam’ there are a number of threads on the subject.

The skinny is ‘It is a lot of hard work and not as lucrative as you may think’.

Hey there yes I have.
There are lots of pros and cons to web camming.

I’m gonna be honest, I wasn’t fully prepared for what it involves and what it does to your relationships, your mental health etc etc.

So I joined prob the largest site world wide, I worked thro a 3rd party, so the website it’s self charge 30% of your earnings, then the 3rd party took 20% so in total you get half of what you earn each week. You are self employed, these web cam sites now legally have to pass your information on so that you pay tax.

There are 3 modes, FREE Mode, where you sit in free mode and guys come in your room for 5 min chat, you are clothed, basically you have to entice them to spend money.

Group mode, is paid for at lower rate as you can have up to 8 join a group session.

Private mode is one on one. And charged higher price.

At any 1 time throughout 24 hours there are over 10000 girls online, you have to be able to stand out, from the crowd.

I am plus size, and I was very popular, earning some weeks £1000 plus.

There are downsides to cam.

I was found by my brother in law and outted to all my friends and family. I lost my old life.
The stress, the strain it put me under was horrible.

My marriage suffered, as I never in a million years thought I’d be so popular, my husband really struggled and we did split for a while as he couldn’t handle it.

Also, busy times are evenings, weekends, which ment I was missing normal life a lot.

Please do your research into the cam sites, and what 3rd party companies are representing you.
My company that paid my wages are massive, but they give no support, they push you to do more, work more and work for less.

I moved to a woman’s group who only charged 3% commission instead of 20% and she was fantastic because she actually cams herself and she was always on hand to help me out.

I dont work on those sites now, I went it alone and I actually earn more and work less, and most importantly I’m happy again.