I hope it goes well @BishBosh,
@BishBosh Good luck.
Congrats! We’re all here to build peoples confidence up
Smiling from ear to ear. I’ve had a morning with friends where we went for breakfast. Had a christening so saw more friends. Then on the way home popped in to see my mum & dad and just had a good laugh. Such a brilliant weekend.
It’s definitely helped
That’s great @Dirty-Wife,
Just received the email to say my items have been dispatched. I am super excited
It did,and was offered and accepted all on one day
Got it! Thanks.x
Got it,Thank You! x
Amazing well done
That’s great @BishBosh, congratulations
I currently have 9 tomatoes growing on my plant First year growing tomatoes, without a green house and I am unbelievably proud
Scottish weather has done me well this year!
Just seen hares boxing. Now it’s a bit cooler again clearly sex is back on their agendas.
…Yes, I know, he absolutely should just accept “No” as an answer and she shouldn’t need to resort to her boxing gloves but it is great to watch!
Being told my niece is getting married next year
Only 16 days until we go on holiday, plus we go on my birthday
I have just made and eaten spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and basil with my tomatoes
Being able to run again for the first time in two months
CSI: Vegas is back
This year we have been caught in the third year in a row of la ninia and had a much wetter and cloudy and cool weather through April , May and June . Finally warmed up and with the extra sunlight the garden is growing well . My tomatoes flowered in early June , then quit . They are flowering agin , but this late I doubt I will get many tomatoes from the full sized variety , Cherry tomatoes will hopefully do well . The southwest and plains states have been paying for the other side of the weather , dry and hot .Until I start to harvest , no idea how potatoes did , beans are way behind too .