Work haven’t been in touch since November, I’ve asked to go back to work, but they say my back still to unfit (insurance company) they pay my wages whilst I’m off but I buy and sell property also, talked to a wedding photographer yesterday and she works for a company that are looking for someone who can afford my wages that lets me work from home most days and minimal time at work, so they are going to call me tomorrow, the person I spoke to today said I sound like the perfect fit, I’m expecting to me made redundant in Jan with a bad payout due to my first 4 years being self employed and then 2 years of employed and then 2 years (in Jan) off sick, I’ve never had a day off sick until I done my back in, but this call tomorrow sounds promising, with a really good wage as a basic plus commission! So goofing for good news there!
My order from the last day of the sale was delivered today, can’t wait to try them out.
Fingers crossed @Steve_Laura69, I wish you all the best
@Melody1 you are very welcome my handsome friend x
Oh I hope the call goes OK @Steve_Laura69. I had a friend who was long term sick and was treated similarly. Getting out seems like a decent plan.
Suns out, it’s Friday and I’ve got some family coming over for dinner. Hope you all have an amazing day x
So I didn’t get that call today, so maybe Monday it is. If not I’m still getting paid in full from my other job and we also got a load of profit coming from selling one of the houses and will have a load left over to do up the new one and add another room to it too.
Get my sense of taste and smell back, just as quickly as it went. Meaning I could have a cuddle.
Fingers crossed it’s negative tomorrow and then I can safely have some playtime tomorrow night.
Had the most amazing holiday in Scotland.
Well deserved couple of weeks away, with just the mrs.
Apparently the smallpox vaccination offers good protection against monkeypox which i find a lot more scary than covid even though it is less likely to be fatal
I’ve never vaxed against covid but already had the smallpox jab
My electric company is giving me a free hour so I can put my hot water back on, take a hot shower and throw enough stuff in the oven to keep me going for a few days
I finally organized all our toys and equipment into section dividers in a huge drawer. Love the fact everything is now tidy, clean and I can find anything I like within seconds rather than having to go diving into the drawer like I’m trying to shake something out of Mary Poppins bottomless bag.
It’s like a OCD sex addicts dream come true lol
We recently bought a car for our grandson and I checked it all out before buying it . After getting it we did all the maintenance and replaced tires . I try and teach him all about cars , but his girlfriend seems to be all encompassing his brain and time . I felt extra rotten yesterday and about two hours before he needed to go to work he mentioned his check engine light came on the night before . In my head I thought oh hell no ! I plugged my scan tool in and found three error codes about evaporative pollution system . I mentioned to him that it could be his gas cap . After thinking about it for a minute , I asked him if when filling gas tank if he turned it until it clicked ? , No , just until snug . There is your problem , always turn it until it clicks at least once ! YAY , YAY , YAY ! I wonder what other things he does not know ? I think I will make a short list for him and hopefully he learns .
Twiglets originals
We used to eat these by the box load as kids. Not as long now but just as addictive.
Oooo now I don’t like those but my hubby does
Depending where you shove them bad b*tch , or maybe force feed if there’s a next time “think you like these better than me???”
Lol up his nostrils Fish Called Wander style ? LOL
Not only have I got the holiday to look forward to on the 5th
Hubby’s booked us a weekend away in September
Awesome - we are off away for a week or two soon and I can’t wait!