What cheered me up recently

To be honest i’m lucky to see a Blackberry in September, the birds have usually stripped them!

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Yep it’s always a race between me and squirrels for the hazel nuts once they ripen

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The boss has just gone home
Woop, woop


Just sitting here on the balcony, and all I can hear is the wind blowing through the trees, and the sea in the background. Just so peaceful, and not hearing the everyday noise, bliss :relieved:


Just had a text saying our daughter has gone out for the day and won’t be back till late but maybe staying at her friends house then received another one say our friend who helped us out with not only my OH fantasy but then also fulfilled my fantasy had popped round to see her bearing in mind my OH is straight and our friend told her before our weekend she has wanted to fuck her for years OH said she was very horny earlier and did I mind if the had sex to which I said only if you record it for me if she doesn’t mind

Getting an unexpectedly good night’s sleep in a cheap hotel. Should set me up nicely for the day


OH telling me last night she is going lingerie shopping for our hols and she might buy me some also then she said I have a surprise for you tonight I want to try something different but didn’t tell me what could be interesting as she is getting a bit more kinky later


Sitting on the balcony with hubby, looking up at the star’s. Never seen so many stars like this on a clear night :relieved:


Being able to run at a reasonable pace again and under the still , moonlit , starry night sky - perfect


OH just been on phone and she is at travel agents sorting covid thing out

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I have been offered a job through a agency temp to permanent position. Not sure how I’m going to cope though in this heat, hopefully it won’t be as hot.



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Thanks @JoCat I have worked for them before odd days covering holidays through the same agency, but i was just there to help out this time i will be doing alot more.

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Thats even better that you know the place and the people! When do you start?

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Hopefully Monday, I’m taking a bit of a wage decrease than when i was working for them before, because it will become permanent the agency said they have to put the wages down to what the business wages are.

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I hope you love it :heart:

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Reading the three word story thred trying not to laugh because it hurts but there’s some absolute belter’s :rofl::rofl::rofl:


A radio broadcast from Cheltenham Lido with every one saying how much they were enjoying the weather because we hadn’t had a decent August in years

Love that place, love this heat


Playing guitar for my 9 year old daughter while she sang at a music class concert :heart: :heart: :heart:


Join in, the more the merrier!