What device do you use?

Just a quick poll to see what devices people use to access the forums. :slightly_smiling_face:

What devices do you use?
  • PC/Laptop :desktop_computer::computer:
  • Tablet :pill:
  • Phone :iphone:

0 voters

And has anyone noticed any funky formatting fails that may be down to the device you’re using having a bigger/smaller screen?

For anyone that uses/has used more than one type, do you think the forum looks better in one over another?

Thanks in advance. :slightly_smiling_face:

Apologies. I had to tweak the poll and it’s reset the vote. Would you mind voting again?

Done :+1::+1:

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And a follow up one for the phone users:slightly_smiling_face:

How big is your screen?

Could you tell me if these two pictures are side-by-side, or one on top? (in regular portrait view)

Lovehoney ForumLovehoney Forum

  • Side-by-side
  • One on top

0 voters

And these two as well. Side-by-side, or one on top? (in regular portrait view)

Lovehoney ForumLovehoney Forum

  • Side-by-side
  • One on top

0 voters

Thanks again. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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I use a phone with a screen size of 6.5ins
I can’t say that I’ve noticed any formatting issues.


That’s great. :+1:

A good place to check is if you look at one of the guides (Welcome Topic, The Big Photo Guide, The Big Testing Guide) and see if all the table/photos/lists etc all look good. So no giant photos, no tiny photos, the tables all fit on your screen (or are scrollable), etc. That sort of thing. :+1:

Not noticed any formatting fails on the forum. Only annoyance using the phone is the lack of product pictures on discontinued items on the main site… until you turn to landscape when they appear.

Very odd but not really a problem as long as people know to rotate their phone.


And flipping to desktop view also works. :+1: (I prefer the landscape method, but thought I’d throw it out there :slightly_smiling_face:)

Follow up

Just to clarify, I’m thinking of posted content rather than forum architecture. Some of the menus are squiffy, etc but they’ve already been raised with the glitch people. :+1:

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I have no idea what that means :see_no_evil:. Do I have a “desktop view”? Landscape works for me though so all good.

Sorry, diverging!

Checked those links - all looks good :+1:


My phone has a 6 inch display . No problems with viewing on there.

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Not noticed anything standout odd on my hauwei mate 20 pro. In fact it’s one of the better sites.

Only issue maybe is the reply box? Keyboard takes up 50% of the screen like normal, but the text box is only around 20% so around 7 lines of text. Great big logo and topic on the top of the page and a huge reply button below to post it.

Feel it could be formatted better so some of the topic was visible or more screen space for the reply box.