What's Your Sexy Spy Name?

Thanks, Alice. I've refrained from making a twitter account but thought I might as well since Lh seems to be doing more competitions there.

The layout is weird.. but I'll have to get used to it. :)

I've clicked a few times...

The worst was Rusty Shagflap.

Lady Phuckworth!!

Ooh - Hella Tithole!!!

* Sorry Hella xx *

Kitty Spankworth

I got Lacie Shaghole :P

Minnie Humpalot ... pretty accurate actually!


Ivanna Phuckwell - bwahahaha

Ava Fagina! Well since I have one I would say that suits me well lol

Phill Mycockubitch (russian spy)

Willie Stroker. Hmmmm. Not the image you associate with a sexy spy....

man of pleasure wrote:

Phill Mycockubitch (russian spy)

I know for a fact I didn't put that in the spreadsheet External Media

Fanny Crabbes. >_< le sigh!