Name Changes

Have you lot been changing your names

Let me know what you used to be called - or I won't realise when I come to send out testers!

Not guilty!

You can change your name, but I'd recognise that bum anywhere illumine!

toycar69 wrote:

You can change your name, but I'd recognise that bum anywhere illumine!

^ Agreed ^

Canna miss illumine!

Dunno who else has changed there name but i use t be called MrSarcastic =P

yup i was Batch

Canna forget your booty either scarlot xox

Ohhh who else has been changing names??

Dont recognise you, who did you use to be? =P *hugs* x

My name used to be David Cameron .................... shit, wrong forum, never been here before and i definately did not buy that great big dildo!

scwhartz wrote:

My name used to be David Cameron .................... shit, wrong forum, never been here before and i definately did not buy that great big dildo!


MrSarcastic wrote:

Dont recognise you, who did you use to be? =P *hugs* x

Actually you're not far off - this isn't my original name

Dirty Red Angel wrote:

scwhartz wrote:

My name used to be David Cameron .................... shit, wrong forum, never been here before and i definately did not buy that great big dildo!


What does PMSL mean?


PMSL means Piss myself laughing


Thanks GG.

Now i'm PMSL!