What's Your Sexy Spy Name?

Just for fun, and in celebration of Shag Factory, we made a Sexy Spy Name Generator. You can click it till you find one that you think suits you!

I'm torn between Lacie Beefcurtain and Ivanna Shagfreely as my favourites

What's yours?

Ivanna Tool was my first, and I shall keep it this way! ;D

Pinkie Spankwell

Peppi Love-Freely.... haha....

peppi shagwell, Miss Terry we must be related in sexy spy circles

lol, already put this in the other thread, but you can call me Spankfreely. Ben D Spankfreely.

Mike Rammer!

Wanda Fannywell !

mr shagnasty

Minnie Cumalot!


x x

Loves huni wrote:

Scarlet Spankalot

;) x

lol, that fits your current avatar perfectly!

Just decided to run a twitter comp too, so if you tweet it you might win a bullet vibe and cock ring from the range. Choosing one person at 3PM every day this week.

Ben Stiffwell?

Juanna Fannyworth

Biggy Alcock - that is so cool - sounds like a rapper...

Merrilee Phuckalot lol <3

Rusty Spunkalot !

Just made an twitter account.. How does it work? lol. Do I reply to LH's statement? >.<

x X x wrote:

Just made an twitter account.. How does it work? lol. Do I reply to LH's statement? >.<

Just use the little twitter sharing button that's on the Spy Name Generator External Media

Mine was Misty Cumalot! Tee Hee! I feel the urge to throw a 70's themed party and dress up how I imagine Misty Cumalot would look!
