Where to buy great porn online

Just wandering if anyone knows any good online sites for buying decent porn? We bought some a while ago and were really disappointed with it as it actually didn't really show much!! (Don't see the point of porn that doesn't show body parts!!!) so was hoping someone out there could point us in the right direction!

Hi hotpussy, this guide to Buying Adult DVDs Online may be useful in explaining why you can't find the videos you want online.

Thanks for the advice. x

We used to use simply the best dvd they are not bad.

Take a look at x-art.com they have some free to view videos on pornhub.com, you can download the short film only around 8-10 min unfortunatly. But they are beautifully shot, they are graphic but not in they typical porno way

Someone told me today about the simply pleasure website. It has a link to simply pleasurexxx which sells great dvds.I took a look and it looks like they might be worth a try. Also found a website called abbywinters.com which is australian and features natural girl on girl porn. The camaras just roll. No acting. Their DVDs are available on the simplypleasurexxx link. The Abbywinters website has free clips to watch and photos. Worth a look.

I was looking around for some DVDs too so could watch it whilst in bed instead of having the laptop on my lap! Couldn't find any with good reviews so I just gave up, but then I seen if you type in R18 Porn you can buy lots which show everything and not just women making noises and lots of boobs all over the place, they are very expensive though so I am just going to stick to the websites I use haha!


Just bigged these up elsewhere. Nothing to do with me personally!