Which clitoral vibrator?

I'd appreciate help with which vibrator to buy. I used to have a rabbit and liked the ears part but not the dildo part. My husband and I have recently been experimenting a bit with toys and although we succesfully have a couple for him I was rather disappointed by the vibrations offerred by the bullet I ordered for me. It was very buzzy and didn't do much for me.

I don't want another wrong buy so wonder if any of you can recommend a clitoral vibrator for me which isn't buzzy and numbing? Cost is less important I'd rather spend more on the right one than end up buying loads until i find the right one.

My personal favourite is this one http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=30320 however if you like rabbit ears you may like this better http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=32674 which bullet was it that you tried?

The tango linked there by VK is extremely popular, there is nothing else like it, we have 2 just in case one ever stops working!

Lol I have two as well. The tango really is like no other

I Tried the Tracey Cox Supersex bullet.

I like the look of the tango. Do you know if its vibrations are different to that of the Tracey Cox bullet?

Which TC bullet did you have? There are several!
We had the black one, it doesn't even bear talking about in the same sentence.

It was the supersex bullet. Silver with pink button.

Tango is on another level, the strongest bullet I've ever used!

Thanks for the help :)

Yeah either the Tango like everyone else suggests (it is truly amazing) or the Touch http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=30319 which is also amazing.

We-Vibe Tango !

The Tango was way (waaay WAAAY) too powerful for me.

I second the Rabbit Ears, especially that you loved that part on your rabbit vibe! It is strong too, if power is your thing, but much more pleasurable in my opinion.

I would also suggest this: I just reviewed it as a tester and I can recommend it for very precise stimulation: http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=35174

And if power is not necessarily what you're after then this is one of my all time favourites: http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=26627

I love the FSOG wickedly tempting one (although silencer seems similar but cheaper), the humdinger, erotic rocket and Je Joue mimi. I've reviewed all of them, so you can look at my profile if you want to read my reviews for more info.






We-Vibe Touch is a great alternative to the Tango if you prefer silicone over plastic.


I just got this and love it! Got it to replace some bunny ears I had that are dying, similar idea and currently on special offer for £10!

I hate the shaft on rabbit vibes too, thought it was just me 😂


I just got this and love it! Got it to replace some bunny ears I had that are dying, similar idea and currently on special offer for £10!

I hate the shaft on rabbit vibes too, thought it was just me 😂

For me We-vibe Tango is too powerful if i use it directly. I use it on the lowest setting ot top of my labia majora, ad it kind of almost touches my clit hood. That´s the way it´s best for me :)

Is it worth mentioning the womanizer in this thread too?

I adore my nea 2 xx


The Silencer has become my go-to toy. It isn't as powerful as the Tango, but for me the advantages are worth it:

Even on its lowest settings, the vibrations are satisfyingly rumbly, not buzzy. A preference thing, but for me I much prefer rumbles to buzzes.

It really is amazingly quiet, quietest vibe I've tried by a country mile. I had one (I own several, because reasons...) that was noisier than the rest, and LH replaced it for me. I came to the conclusion it was actually faulty, because the on off buttons stopped working. On its lowest setting, even a thin summer duvet muffles the sound, it's that quiet.

It doesn't overheat! This is a big minus with the Tango, for me - after ten or fifteen minutes, it starts to overheat. This is fine if it doesn't take you long to get off, of course, but me, I take ages sometimes. Turning it off after fifteen minutes = extremely impractical.

Also, it's a LOT cheaper. As an entry-level rechargeable, personal I think it can't be beat.