Who buys the toys in your relationship

Oh bought a double strap on and surprised me completely at Xmas - it was a big surprise - in more ways than one !! Usually I buy most of our toys but he's very enthusiastic to use them ;)

We both put items in wishlists but I place the orders.... we discuss bondage and toys but clothes n lingerie I keep as a surprise when it comes.

Oh likes to buy from shop I prefer online so between us its probably 65 me /35 oh

Usually me, but a while ago my OH surprised me with a glass dildo.

He has a lower sex drive and isn't really bothered about toys. Having said that he usually really enjoys them when I introduce them into our love making.

I would say both me and the hubby do. Although he has surprised me in the past with some new exciting toys & I have him too. But generally we both have a look and pick out items we like and would love to try.

Me, me and me. I'm the sex maniac in our relationship. I wish my other half was half as interested and horny as I usually am.
Would be nice to come home to a toy I didn't buy.

I'm sorry to say its only me widower

It's always me, myself and I :)

Me n only me, ive brought him a toy but his yet to show interest in using them during sex

Maybe down 2 never being alone thou x

Only me ever so far, and have the full intention of mutually using toys so this might change.

I do all the buying. He likes the parcels arriving though. I'd love it if he surprised me with something that he bought!

I do most of the buying but i do try to make sure the OH likes what i'm buying before by dropping hints lol

Always me. I usually tell him after I've ordered and before it's arrived though. He's normally quite keen and excited about my purchases, even though he tries not to show it by playing it cool!

My hubby always buys them as a surprise! Some good, some not so good! There's always an excitement when they arrive though!

I do, and most of the time hubby seems to like them. As do I of course ;)

It's always me who buys them. He isn't really interested tbh. I would love it if he would choose something from my wishlist as a surprise for my birthday or something but I doubt he will.

Both of us, however when my OH buys its usually as a surprise! :) x

Allways me to supprise him

I buy them, sometimes just for me others for both of us.

Last night ordered the hubby a couple of surprises... Can't wait to see his reaction. Love surprising him with gifts, Aren't I a good wifey lol

Always me