Would You Ever? (Sep17-Oct18)


WYE have sex in a gay bar


Wye make a make shift water slide?

No. I once watched a documentary about a guy who did that but didn’t notice the glass in the grass the wet plastic went over. Makes me cringe!

WYE construct a working rollercoaster in your garden if you had the money?


Wye put a life sized plastic hippo in your garden?

Yess! I'm a rollercoaster junkie

Wye go dogging?

No, not for me. (I'm all over the life-sized hippo in the garden idea, though! I'd love that!)

WYE bake yourself your own birthday cake?

Have done multiple times.

Would you ever bake a birthday cake for someone else?

Of course! Have done quite a few times. The birthday boys and girls have even all lived to tell the tale. 😁

WYE pretend a shop-bought cake (or meal) was one you'd made yourself from scratch?


Wye read an erotic novel out loud on the train


Wye.... hire a naked cleaner/waiter etc. ?



No would nt want his dangly bits in my tea !!

Wye... try waterskiing ?

No would nt want his dangly bits in my tea !!

Wye... try waterskiing ? L

Possibly but I'd probably be too scared haha

Wye attempt a world record?

Yes, number of times dangly bits can be added to tea 🤣

WYE walk on hot coals for charity?

Always fancied trying it


Yeah I think I would!

WYE Swim freestyle with Sharks?

No flipping way.... I've watched jaws too many times !!

Wye.... shave you hair off for charity ?


WYE swim with manatees

yes I think there pretty harmless ....

wye ..... do a a I'm a celebrity bush tucker eating trial ??