Your naughtiest experience in public

Some amazing stories

The OH had an idea few years ago to play in public, daring each other to show off. This included our trip to a well known shop where the wife wanted new lingerie. These shops have lingerie section and toy section, with changing room near to sex toy area. I was wandering around the toy area whilst OH tried on the corset she wanted. I got tapped on the should by OH and as i turned to see her, she was standing there wearing ONLY the corset! I could not believe her bravery. She quickly nipped back into the changing room, but i was totally shocked and speechless, stood drooling. There wasnt anyone else in the shop, that i saw anyway. The cashier was smiling ear to ear when i paid, not sure what she saw or heard. We still have that corset which reminds me of that day.


I can understand why you found this enjoyable, as long as you bear in mind that there is a chance this could have been captured by the store CCTV and you are then trusting anyone with access to the cameras to NOT record this and then post it online.

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Completely different take on You’ve Been Framed!

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Many years ago had a pub car park blowjob from my then girlfriend. She gulped a bit when I came, realised the only clean up she could do was to swallow…so she did​:wink:


Hmmm - tricky to know where to start!

I once had sex in a youth hostel in Prague with a guy on his stag do whilst all his friends were in the room ‘sleeping’. It was a pretty hot experience being watched but in hindsight probably not my finest hour :hugs: :woman_with_veil:

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Wife gave me bj in the movie theater. Alone on the top row, maybe 10 others in the theater sitting below.


What was the movie? :joy:

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Our first was fingering her on a ferry to France on a trip with her parents. There have been plenty of times where we had sex on a walk. We used go out for dinner while she has a remote control vibrator inside her they were good times


‘Taking the dog out’ has just got to be a euphemism!!! :joy::joy::joy:

Hence the word ‘dogging’… :joy::joy::joy:


Loitering with intent maybe? :joy:


A few years ago we went camping with my parents and borrowed one of their ATVs for an afternoon.

We pulled over to the side of a trail and banged in the bushes. Lots of fun!

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Gave a bloke a blowjob in a small shop with a door open to the public and small swing doors for barely any privacy!:yum::sweat_drops:


What a lucky partner to benefit from that nice outfit :grinning:

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Back in our teens we had sex on a cricket pitch one night.

I also have a very vague memory of being fingered in the backseat while OH mum and dad in the front, us in the back seat (he was in the middle) and his sister on his other side!!!

Many hikes have had BJs incorporated into them too :joy: usually at a nice lookout so he can REALLY enjoy that view.

As teens I used to live on a main road and OH would park out front after driving me home. We’d jump in the back seat and he’d finger me and I’d give him a hand job. This was under a street light too :see_no_evil: one day my mum said to me “you know people can SEE you!!!” And I just laughed :joy: ahh to be young again.


It sounds like you enjoyed yourself @DevilishDan , when you had sex on the cricket pitch were you on the cricket square, (the wicket) or somewhere on the out field. It would be exciting anyway to be honest. Had mum worked out you were being fingered and giving a hand job outside house. She knew what you were up to as she remembers her younger days maybe? We have all been there

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This is going to sound like I’m making this up, but I promise I’m not.
I once had a blowjob from two women (same time) at the end of a bar in a half full bar.
When they started they held up a small cloth/hand towel (I don’t know where they found it!) which I doubt actually hid anything… doubly so because so many people were looking. Both were either kissing/sucking it at the same time, or one was on my dick and the other on my balls. I ended up cumming on one of their faces as the other was licking my balls.
It was like something from a porn film. It was honestly surreal.


Right in the middle, no outfield action here :joy:
My mum is the biggest prude and she likely knew but didn’t want to know. I’m pretty sure my younger brother came out at peeked through the window one night and that’s what brought on the comment :joy:


Omg last weekend on the beach!!! Was amazing. Does anyone have any suggestions as we are going away soon for birthday