3 Good things for the day

1. Hubby got a new job
2. Celebrated with a few friends
3. Got to be a geek for a few hours and played a pc game

1 sunshine
2 day off
3 a long cuddle with my oh

Done with work for the day

LH is replacing my new toy that does not work

My OH is almost home after being gone 2 months

1. Had a fun night till 4am with him

2. My LH delivery fits perfectly

3. Have another LH delivery coming tomorrow lol

1. Had QT with my inlaws
2. Planted some herbs, lotsa mint for my MOJITO addiction
3. Had some good pistachio gelato

Pick my new car up today
Haven't done a tap in work last night zzzzzz
The Mrs is off and the kids are in school :)

1. Spent the afternoon shopping with a friend

2. Handed in the last assignment for one of my modules in uni

3. Get to have a relaxing evening!

1. Hubby home after a business trip

2. Brought lots of my fav snacks which I can't find over here

3. Bed linen clean and fresh but gonna get messy again (;