3 magic Words!

How soon did you say "I love you?"

I said it bang on 2 months!

He hasn't yet but we are definitely enroute x

Ah man I thought this was gonna be about double pepperoni pizza.

I cant remember if I'm being honest ! But we've been married 25 years and I struggle to remember what I had for breakfast most of the time. I dont think it matters WHEN you say it.....as long as when you do, you mean it x

We both said it 3 days after getting together

(but we've known each other and had and Feb relationship now and again for 11 years but had never ever discussed feelings etc)

I think it was after about the 4th or maybe 5th date. Both of us just felt that we were right for each other. So another 27 years later with 20 years of marriage we still say it too each other on a regular basis.

Sum Subs on form today !

Indeed he is Mysteron!

I agree Terri, sincerity is key! I have more respect for him that he's not just going to "fake it til you make it" he's just cautious as he's been so hurt, we both have but neither of us are going anywhere and this is the happiest healthiest relationship I have been in for a long time and that is the main thing, I'm just curious as to other people's stories.

In about a week after meeting each other. In our 10th year of marriage now. Still say it often and we even have our own way of saying it engraved in our wedding rings. :)

We were best friends for two years first so many friend kind of 'I love yous' over that time, but our first relationship I love you was a few weeks after getting together. :)

Tell a lie it was 3 months! I'd be dangerous with a brain!

After a few weeks of being together, told him by text! I don't believe in love at first sight but I could see a future with him immediately. Nearly 7yrs later we are engaged, have two mini-me's and still very much in love 😁😍

wheneve I think it will get me out of trouble!

About 6 weeks in, we were having sex for the first time, he told me he loved me in the throws of passion. I was a bit like oh okay whaaaa? But I said I loved him back, which, at the time wasn't strictly true, but I was falling in love with him. I couldn't exactly say nothing at that point. But 7 months on he knows about it, and we are madly in love, so I believe no harm was done.

I never believed in love at first sight until I met hubby, I didn't tell him at first but I definitely fell in love with him instantly. It must of been around two weeks when I said the *magic words* *♡*xx

My partner said it about five months after meeting me. I took two years.

I said it during the first time we were intimate together. Slipped out of my mouth in the heat of the moment . But he said it back so all good 😋

We said it after about a month maybe not even that, she said it first, kinda just slipped out of her mouth and I said it back

A few days into the relationship.

Approximately 3 months I think

Pretty much instantly. I proposed after two months together. Been together almost 12yrs and married almost 10 :)