Accents (that are Turn-Offs)

Think we need to change peoples perception of us cali​:sunglasses::sunglasses:

Nah, fuck em kidda. Daft bastards


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Who loves a scouse accent?
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Ha ha… maybe that is why they dont like us much… cos we never try to be anything but ourselves and always stick together :crossed_fingers:

I don’t mind Scouse :grin::fire:

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Scouse all day long for me​:fist::sweat_drops:

Some Canadian!! Especially nasal Canadian like Katherine Ryan!! But then I’m bias as I can’t stand her even more!!

I think a lot of people confuse Brummie with yam yam (black country). I’m always a little surprised how strong my Brummie accent is if I hear it back, but black country is generally the stronger accent

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Yeah, but i am proud to be Black Country, i guess i could have elocution lessons but why deny my heritage?
You say yers for years and i say yeeers! :rofl:

Nothing wrong with accents, it just shows you are proud of where you come from, if you weren’t you would change it

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I’m from Liverpool myself and think it’s got some of the best looking woman about, but for a lot of them as soon as they open their mouth I cringe a little :man_facepalming:t3::rofl:

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@WillC, is there much difference between the Black Country and Brummie accents?, I speak with people in Birmingham, I just assume they’re Brummies :slightly_smiling_face:

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To the outside ear, probably not. But i can tell the difference! :slightly_smiling_face:


I think you’ve just annoyed many people from the black country…but seriously, in my opinion black country tends to be a stronger accent. For example, Barry from auf weidersehn pet is often described as a Brummie, yet the character is probably from Wolverhampton. calling anyone who doesn’t live in Birmingham a Brummie is generally classed as an insult to them (even though Birmingham is obviously best…:grinning:)

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My apologies @njp, I don’t know Birmingham or anywhere around there :slightly_smiling_face:

Ha ha, you didn’t upset me as I am a Brummie, and proud of it!


I must admit @WillC, until recently everyone I’ve spoken to either through work or pleasure have been from the London area.

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Trust me, wether Black Country or Brummie, we know our accents aren’t to everyone’s taste, but we have a great sense of humour, and it doesn’t bother us!