Accents (that are Turn-Offs)

Granted some Scottish accents are difficult to tune in to… but so is Geordie to some people.
You just need more exposure.
I’m very hard to offend.:joy:

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I was watching The Skeleton Key and Peter Sarsgard’s accent in it makes me weak at the knees

Can not stand: Stoke or Irish accent

Love: a Welsh twang and Greek :fire: :hot_face: :heart:

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Scouse and that’s coming from someone who lives there :sweat_smile:

However, I’ve lived abroad for a few years so the accent has been diluted a fair bit from slowing right down so people could understand me, haha.

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I have an Irish customer. I get silly when he calls. The way he says “fuck” :woozy_face: often in his part of the conversations.


Sorry, I struggle to understand most accents north of London.


“What are the turn offs that put a halt to any further proceedings the ones that make you want to stand up and just move on?”

Wow I’m certainly not that shallow…love to hear all people talk and every accent tells you a bit about each person…especially if there’s a mix in there…

I love conversation and not one accent would make me stand up and just move on…


Traitor! :laughing:

Scouse, geordie, brummy :frowning: makes the winky shrinky haha

I’m Black Country, NOT Brummie and proud! :wink:

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Same difference haha

Nah! :wink:

Yah. Lol

Brummie/Midlands. Sorry all, I think maybe it’s greasy Grealish that has put me off.

I love a good Yorkshire drawl, especially Leeds. ALAW​:blue_heart::yellow_heart:

Favourite is definitely Irish, especially Dublin :heart_eyes:

Further afield, love Aussie & Kiwi. Can’t stand French.

I love the scouse accent i think it sounds quite cute when you here a woman speak.i do also like the nothen irish accent :blush::blush:

Dislikes are posh and country bumkin accents :rofl::rofl:

Thick Irish accent :ok_hand:

Hubby’s half Irish, so it breaks out every now and then when he’s talking. I love it when he talks to me in Irish, especially dirty :face_with_hand_over_mouth: leaves me weak at the knees and damp knickers :sweat_drops:


I guess it depends on which Scottish accent?
I am from one part of Scotland and went to glasgow for a day.
I was getting on a bus and the driver with a thick Glaswegian accent was saying stuff and I didn’t understand him until he said:
“You don’t understand a thing that am sayin’ do ya”

I shook my head saying no and went for a train.

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Damn. Us scousers are not coming off well :rofl:


Terrible isnt it!! Not gonna be able to sleep tonight now :rofl::rofl: think we have a bad reputation :roll_eyes:

Fuckin’ fewmin’