Advice for friend: wife pregnant after affair

Good for you too. Not your grandmother knickers, actually my wife’s size 10 knickers but thanks for noticing and being ever so slighty derogatory. For someone who apparently is “helping” others by posting their supposed situations online and sharing your sexual exploits here for the world to read, you sure are hyper sensitive if anyone says anything about you. Good luck though and keep us entertained with your fantastical life.

Kids are inquisitive people and in this scenario, if the husband and wife are the same colour/ race and the child comes out being more olive skinned as mediterranean people have that sort of pigmentation then for me (If I was their kid) I would be wondering why I have a different complexion to mum and dad. If both parents are blonde lets say and the kid has black or brown hair well they may wonder why they are so different to themselves.

For me, my siblings look like mum or dad (to the point of it being carbon copies) rather than a mix but then I look like a mix of both of them now but for a while I didnt see it.

I know I think on a different level.

Not sure about the kids themselves but others outside the family, certainly! Absolutely, it’s no-one else’s business but people are horrible and gossip happens, it’s human nature and definitely impacts on the child.

Example: cough Prince Harry cough

I’m afraid, I’m with the majority of others above, that would be the end of the relationship if my partner cheated… even without a resulting child. If your friends can get through it though, fair play.

Sorry it has taken me so long to reply and update.

I don’t really want to engage in wither this is a ‘fantasy life’ and whether this and several other posts are fabricated. It is up for you all to decide but I would again make the observation that I have met people from here in real life.

More to the point, why would I make up a year of being divorced, lonely, unable to find a boyfriend, with a series of embarrassing sexual failures and vulnerabilities. Most people here either found my posts funny, interesting, diverting, and some found them helpful. I certainly found it incredibly helpful being able to order my thoughts in to a more nonchalant, hapless version of myself who wasn’t destroyed at times by anxiety and self loathing.

People come here for a variety of reasons and derive a range of benefits. It is as much as we can all do to respect that but I suppose it is inevitable that a few of us can’t manage even this small level of humanity.

I have caught up with my friend a few times since. He is doing fine. He wasn’t especially looking for anything from this and had found it helpful being able to type it all out.

He did think carefully about divorce, they both did. I have to say, my advice was to shrug off the holiday/retreat fling, it wasn’t worth losing his family, home, and happiness over. I have decided not to advise on the situation with the pregnancy other than to make the observation that I am aware of a number of other women who have had affairs and managed to keep the paternity of a resulting pregnancy secret from their husbands. In every case the family has thrived and there have been no consequences.

One thing he did say, he has never viewed it as another man’s child once she started to show, and they talk about ‘their’ baby. I think he has disconnected the infidelity from the future family member, if that makes sense. Which reflects very well on him, in my view.

It is a phenomenon. That is all I can say and I certainly form no judgements. None of us can.

Thank you all again

Anna xxx