Anal toy advise please

Love using anal toys and want to go bigger. Normal plugs/dildos are max Circumference: 4.75 inches. Large toys are 2 inches bigger. Has anyone advise on making the jump?

This one is 6.25in

ths one is 5.5in

This one is 6in

It may look totally over the top but this one goes from smallish to huge so is a one off purchase, saving money, and you will get addicted to going larger, I'm up to 12" circ. once you've got the "could I go bigger?" bug you will probably go as far as your body will allow? Either way enjoy

Just ordered

This one is awesome Its good to have a bit of give, too hard can be painful, but this slides in easy with Maximus lube

I thats good to here that you order those sex toys.

I'm sure you will enjoy them and still want more in the future ![](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif)

Anal sex is like Pringles, once you pop you can't stop ![](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif)

I love massive toys. I got into them when I discovered my prostate. Recently I purchased Prostidude and Four Stage Rocket from Lovehoney and the thrills are immense!

Hours of pleasure and joy... I rode the Prostidude for about two hours without getting a sore anus and rectum - only stopped as I needed to rehydrate and lie down to recover lol (knees shaking!). The Four Stage Rocket gives you diameter and length of stretch... Though two hours riding that would probably be the end of me.