Another embarrassing question (dryness)

Hi guys, I didn’t know who else to ask so I thought I’d ask here since it’s probably something a lot of people have experienced but don’t talk about much. I’m on the pill, which for the first 6 months has been great but this month I’m suffering from vaginal dryness and due to other pain related conditions, this is causing me a significant amount of discomfort (not just during sex). Does anyone have any recommendations for relieving this discomfort both on a short term and long term basis? I have looked at vaginal moisturisers but I’m very sensitive and have sensory issues that mean that I’m a bit wary of using gloopy things! I’m guessing this is my only option other than coming off the pill which isn’t possible.


Hyaluronic acid can help @Kitty-Cat01 hyaluronic acid’s hydrating capabilities make it an ultra effective treatment for the relief of vaginal dryness.

Hyaluronic acid is a molecule that exists naturally in your skin and is key to keeping it moist. It can be bought as a gel, a moisturiser, or as a supplement.

There are several vitamin supplements that can also help stop this from keep happening but would require some research into what is suitable.

Hope you find something that works for you.


Thank you @MissGG69. I’ve never heard of Hyaluronic acid. I’ll do some research!

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No advice im afraid. Just wanted to send you a hug and say i hope you find something that works for you :hugs:
I take hormonal med too and they can really be a pain in the lubrication department.

There are quite a few vaginal moisturisers around, i know your funny with aloe type stuff but it might be worth considering reading the ingredients and picking one of the less gloopy ones to see how you get on with it.


I would advise seeing your doctor, they can prescribe topical medication with moisturisers and hormonal supplements. Not sure if i remember you saying you are on various medications? These can be a factor too, so the doctor may be able to prescribe kinder alternatives. My OH is on a variety of meds some of which are very damaging to the body, so i am aware of what a minefield it is. So don’t suffer, see your doctor and be insistent, don’t let them fob you off. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks @Green_Eyed_Girl @WillC. I think I’m ok with Aloe, i was eventually diagnosed with a nerve condition which explained the tingling and stinging sensations! I know I should try the doctors but they have been useless recently and i feel like they are trying really hard to convince me to switch from the pill to something else so i feel like this will just give them extra motivation!

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This is one of the reasons why I came off the pill and now on the implant. Before the pill I could get wet no problem but on the pill I could get a little wet but not nearly enough for sex so I had to use lube every time which was embarrassing considering my age (21). Now on the implant I can get wet no problem again and I feel better on the implant. I know not everyone can get along with the implant but this is my experience. I also have sensory issues so I couldn’t use any products down there on a daily basis I would constantly have the feeling to need to wipe if I had lube down there. Have you tried any other birth control methods? Why do you need to be specifically on the pill?


I’m glad that you found something that worked for you :blush: I’m also glad to hear that it’s not just me with the sensory issues, I would be exactly the same but I’m also thinking that feeling a bit gross might be preferable to pain.

I was on the mini pill before but came off it due to dryness. Until now I hadn’t noticed any issyes with this one so I’m hoping that this is temporary. I don’t want anything that is progesterone only due to the dryness issues that i had with the progesterone only pill and I’m terrified of medical procedures so that rules out the coil. The only other option is condoms but the sensory issues makes that not a very appealing option and the effectiveness is not as good as the pill and getting pregnant would be a disaster for me!


@Kitty-Cat01 . Id imagine your GP could prescribe a product designed forthis particular issue.?


Have you looked at that vagisil cream what’s advertised often on tv?

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I found a chat we the GP really helpful. She was very understanding and prescribed something me for due to potentiometer peri menapause which I’m hoping will help
Me with the same problem.

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Lovehoney do sell YES VM (as recommended by @GoGirl12 )which is organic, pH balanced, etc, etc. I’ve not used it myself as it’s not an issue I have but the reviews are extremely favourable.

Extract from one review:

I’m only 36 so thought dryness wouldn’t affect me yet. I was wrong and everything I looked at and tried wasn’t cutting the mustard. This is by far the best thing I have ever tried / brought and to quote a privious review “the closest thing to fanny juice” there is on the market. I can use it every day for maintenence with out fear of the greater burning yeast pidgeon and then extra where needed for a business time boost! No stickyness, no weird smells, tastes or textures. Both me and my husband love it and more importantly I feel like a women again!


I would recommend speaking with your GP, there may be something they could prescribe to help you.ive also used balance activ, it’s a pessary you put in you at night, I found it helped. It may be an option for you to try until you can speak with your GP.


Thanks everyone! I’ve purchased some moisturiser and got some lube applicators too because I can’t see how else I’d get it in :sweat_smile::flushed::woman_shrugging:

I’ll see how I get on with that before I speak to my GP because I really don’t like doctors at the moment! No offence to any doctors - it’s not you personally I don’t like, it’s medical stuff in general.


Is there anything specific with this month that could be causing the dryness?
I would talk to your gynae, so not specifically your GP.
Do all condoms cause the same sensory issues? I have found that Skyns are really soft and thin, compared to other brands I have used. I don’t have sensory issues so I could be way off base but I don’t like using any other brands now. Its a shame as I have 4 boxes of Skins - I didn’t realise they were a different brand when I bought them.

If it persists I would talk to your partner about the possibility of a vasectomy, obvs depending on where you’re at in your relationship.
Contraception takes a toll on our bodies!

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I think instead of getting new prescriptions, you should in priority make a list of what you’re already taking, perhaps take all the notices and read them yourself or see your doctor with them. The point is, instead of balancing the secondary effect of one medicine with another which might have annoying secondary effects too, you could ask if there are alternatives.
In a not NSFW context, I helped my dad identify a medicine he was taking that caused his nose to run all the time, he went to his doctor for a regular appointment and asked about it and the doctor gave another medicine that treats the same thing instead, so my dad stopped having that secondary effect.

I’m not sure what caused it, it could just be stress to be honest. Hopefully it will all go back to normal next month. They skyns ones are the ones we use and they are better than others we’ve tried. To be honest I avoid doctors until I absolutely have to go! I’ll try a few things myself first.

@Cuberdon, I am on a few different meds but nothing that I could come off or change easily. There is one that I could change / come off but it would take several months to do although that is the long term goal if my consultant agrees to it.

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Although this is an embarrassing topic for many women, you should not be embarrassed. Statistically, many women experience this problem, which is why they suffer a lot. To cope with this problem, you must see a doctor or a gynecologist. Or start using sprays that normalize the vaginal flora. I’ve heard that women have this problem when they use steroids. So if that’s in your diet, then it’s worth replacing with Personally, I found this supplement when I was trying to reduce my fat layer and gain a few pounds of muscle at the same time.

Personally I am on two medications for depression and anxiety. I’ve suffered for years from vaginal dryness since 18. Meds only started 6 months ago. Lube works, but its its not amazing. I’ve started using benwa balls and I find this very helpful. I’m definitely noticing a difference.

GP visit will help you :blush::people_hugging:… I went to mine for something completely different and she mentioned me being dry. Asked questions if it hurt during sex and I told her i hadn’t had sex with my hubby for a few years. She still prescribed me a cream to apply. It helped the dryness instantly. Good luck, I hope you feel better soon :blush:

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