Are Lovehoney Hiding Bad Reviews??

So far all my reviews (both good and bad) have always been approved and gone live on the site. Except for one, and isn't it a bit suspicious that the only one Lovehoney are holding back is a disappointed review of a Bondage Boutique product?
I mean, this review has been sat on my profile "awaiting approval" since January. Perhaps the fact it is a Bondage Boutique product is just coincidence, but I have to say I doubt it. Does anyone else have experience of reviews for certain items permanently "awaiting approval"?

hey i had exactly the same ine was back in 2011 still waiting approval but LH did e mail me about it

I've had no communication regarding the review, or. why it has not been published. It just seems suspect to me that it is only the bondage boutique item. Plus the item in question is often sold out yet only has 5 reviews. Makes me go hmmm and wonder if they are just hiding all the bad reviews because of the brand

Haven't really had experience of this to be honest as all mine have been approved although i have given a review to a bondage boutique product that wasn't great but and it was approved no problem.
I do still have another BB product review to write.

i have only given 1 bad review, it wasnt for a BB item but was approved in the normal time

Ive done a few bad reviews and theyve all been accepted.. Even the ones where ive slated items!

I've never had an item which has fallen apart before, so this particular Bondage Boutique item has the worst review I've ever written. But its honest and Lovehoney know it because I sent the item back for a refund. Literally fell apart during first use but as its often out of stock it is clearly an item which brings in money. It looked cheap & felt cheap and I said as much in my review. I would be massively disappointed if it turned out that Lovehoney are holding back reviews in order to protect Bondage Boutique when they happily approve poor reviews of other brands.

I have written 45 reviews for Lovehoney so far and not one has ever been held back, including a bad one I wrote for the Lovehoney branded Oh! Rabbit because it didnt work for me at all and I also wrote a review for their mini wand explaining that they overheated on me. All my reviews have been published without being edited or changed.

I suspect somehow your review has slipped through the system somehow rather than purposefully being held back unless you used any kind of abusive or inflamatory language in your review which they couldnt publish

Also: The Bondage Boutique Items (Well a lot of them, like 30%) Have been out of stock since dec/Jan and not been restocked due to some delays or another. I know this because I have a bondage boutique card waiting in the system somewhere since then. So I think if the item has 5 reviews it just has 5 reviews, it hasnt been in stock for a long time probably.

On top of this ive seen reviews such as "I wouldnt waste my money on this cheap tat" and worse occasionally around the site so why would they publish these, and my bad ones, and the other girls bad ones on this post but not yours?

I sincerely think its an error rather than holding it back coz its bad.

Well that is exactly the reason I started the thread. iTo see if anyone else had experienced the same or if it is indeed an oversight. There was nothing abusive about my review, and not much different from my other reviews apart from saying it fell apart and was a disappointing waste of money, something like that anyway. I had forgotten about it completely until I went to edit my profile today and saw it listed as still waiting.

Mr bumcheeks - this has been my only review of a bondage boutique item. I'm wondering why other brands get my reviews accepted but BB hasn't

Nope, never had this issue, and we've given a few bad reviews over the years. I have however had to re-submit one or two reviews as there was an error on the first submission - have you thought about trying this?

There hasn't been an issue going through, I've had acknowledgement that it was received. it just hasn't been approved, unlike the member above who has had review waiting since 2011, I had no email to say what the hold up is

I know Bondage Boutique are a LH brand so you suspect they might hold the review back to keep their good name but I have reviewed so many LH brand products and 1 or 2 I found not to be very good and reviewed it that way. All went live. If they were doing it to hide bad reviews for LH specific products then I would of experienced it too I guess, or other peeps.

My advise would be to contact LH and ask whats happened. I think I had a review vanish once. I remember posting about it on the forums. Turns out it was in the system (I ended up writing it out twice) and they let me know they had looked and found it and it was just a glitch. It wasnt for a LH item btw. but I guess glitches happen and ofc you want your review posted so ask. They will tell you either its been lost or they found it and oops glitch or they will tell you if you wrote something they couldnt publish. I guess if LH do not publish some reviews it would be due to any reasons like bad language, advertising another company...all that kinda stuff but not because you didnt like the product.

I often browse peoples profiles and check out their reviews. I zone in on ones they rank with one or two stars. I like reading bad reviews, they help me to see what products to avoid or what people like...I dont know but I like reading them more than raving postivie reviews. It certainly doesnt make me want to shop here less (More so in fact as I know people can be honest) anyway the point is, if you check out some peeps profiles and look for 1 or 2 star reviews you will see that many bad reviews have been published. I dunno I seriously suspect a glitch or something they couldnt publish for some other reason.

Contact Lovehoney or I guess one of the staff will reply here to help you soon if they see this they will let you know xx

Probably just a glitchy error - I didn't get on with the LH pocket rocket or Oh! Rabbit and my reviews still got published and I've written over seventy reviews - good and bad.

Perhaps it has got lost and LH can't see it down their end? Try talking to LiveChat tomorrow and see if they can help you, they are very friendly! :)

I've posted bad reviews in the past and they've been approved no problem.

LH love getting their customers opinions, good or bad (sex toy testers) and so it seems unlikely they would hide bad reviews, even if the product was their own brand.

Definately get in touch and see whats happened. The website is efficiently run and all the staff are so friendly so I'm positive you'll have a reply in no time. If it turns out to be a glitch, I'm sure they would like you to write another review for them.


I have never had an issue with reviews being rejected, good or bad, so I'm guessing there has been an error somewhere and it's simply a coincidence that it happens to be a LH branded product. I have no reason to suspect otherwise, I have always had great experience on this site.

Sometimes reviews just get missed. They need to be processed. You should contact them about it.

Thank you to all of you for your input :-)

I'll contact the lovehoney team and ask them about it, on the upside, posting this thread and reading others experiences has now got me thinking about lovehoney a little less suspiciously lol.

We all know that there are a few companies who will do anything to avoid hurting their own brands. Truth be known, I always send ppl to this site and the customer service has always been fantastic, I'm quite pleased to learn that it appears lovehoney are not trying to hide things.

Thanks again everyone :-)

Hi The_Mistress,

I've had a look on the system and have found your review - I've now put it live. It does happen from time to time (though very rarely) that our reviews editor can miss one. Your review was tucked between a series of reviews for items that we were thinking about stocking (which the editor is told to ignore as they're for the buyer's information) so it looks like it just slipped the net. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us directly in future - we can usually sort things out fairly fast if we know there's a problem!

I've also contacted the buyer for this product so we can investigate to see if the fault your product had was a one off, or whether the design needs to be looked at.

As for the out of stock issue, unfortunately Bondage Boutique has a VERY long re-order period (in the months rather than weeks) and if there's a run on bondage (say, spurred by a certain book!) it can disrupt our sales predictions and reorders.

I hope this answers some of your questions - we're here to help, so don't hesitate to contact us!

Thanks Alice for looking into it.
It always seems to be you answering my questions and querieslol :-)