AWOL reviews

hey there guys

sorry to bother you, i know your all really really busy, esp with just having down Erotica the other weekend and with christmas coming up and your brillant comp!

but i did a review the other day and it still hasnt gone live on your site, and for a while lately ive noticed it sometimes taking like over a week for some to go live, yet when i was first doing them they seemed to go live the same day or the very latest the next day....

i just think its a bit weird as i know you now have someone freelance to do the reviews yet they dont seem to be going live any faster if anything, there a lot lot slower, which doesnt make much sence.

anyway just though i let you know and hopes to not get in trouble!


cool :-) i hope u can get everything sorted, cos after xmas im guessing your gonna get so many reviews given in your not gonna know whats hit you! lol


Can I volunteer to help!!??!
