best cure for the horrible head cold going round???

Has anyone got any ideas what to take to help ease this head cold??

lemsip dont work, suggestions kindly accepted

Got a hacking cough too, will have to get so ibuprofen, give that a go.... thank you.. ps. what is phenylephrine??

I am just chilling on the sofa trying to stay warm.

One tablespoon brandy, one tablespoon honey, one tablespoon lemon juice and top it off with boiling water. Down in one before bed, you'll sleep sound ;)

bottle of "man flu" a day --yes rearly, find it in sainsburys with the cold remedies and it tastes ok too

half a dozen schnapps...cures nothing you just dont care and you have an excuse for a headache

Shot of Irish Whiskey in a tumbler. Slice of lemon, spoon of honey, four cloves in the lemon slice. Top up with hot water.

Great before bedtime. Make sure to put the spoon in the glass before you add the hot water. Helps prevent the glass cracking.

Its been a nasty one this year! I just got back from the docs. I dont normally go but i have had it almost 4 weeks now erghh. Antibiotics given seeing as its on my chest. Hope you feel better soon xx

Know what you mean, mine is on my chest now, splitting headache.... taking all that i can... and now rattling!! lol!!!

Thank you for all your help, It has made a difference!!

I felt crap for two weeks.

I ended up just eating junk food all the time, since I did not feel like eating normal food.

A good hot curry helps

Randy101 wrote:

I felt crap for two weeks.

I ended up just eating junk food all the time, since I did not feel like eating normal food.

A good hot curry helps

I cant eat proper food at the mo, might have to try that one :)

Prevention is better than cure. Plenty exercise and fresh air help to boost the immune system.

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

Aw, you poor thing. There was a rotton cold going round here a month or so ago. It was one that severely affected men worse than women. All the men were lying in beds shaking and feeling like they were going to die!

They say man-flu, but something to do with the genetic make up or something causes some common colds to react a lot worse in men than women.

If you have a bad headache still, drink lots of water. Sip it, rather than glug it, but sip it a lot. Possible it's dehydration and tablets don't help that at all!

I had a splitting headache about a week ago. One so bad I couldn't do anything. I was in a terrible state. I first thought it was dehydration. It wasn't a migrane or a stress headache. It went on and on and it was horrid! I finally had something to eat and 10 mins later it came back up, violently. After that I couldn't keep water down either and my stomach just emptied absolutely everything! Felt like death for that day. Turned out it was a really nasty stomach bug that had been around. I don't know which one, but it was one of the big ones and the hospitals gave a warning to not come in and spread infection! So yeah. That was nasty. And strange that it just began with a rotton headache.

I am drinking about 3 litres of water during the day, and another litre at night,

yep sipping it does feel better than glugging, I also find sipping a hot drink helps my cough and throat.

Hope you feeling better now tho??

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

Oh yeah, I'm absolutely fine. It only lasted a day, but it was horrid and left me pretty run-down the next day. But recovered quickly and was fine the day after that. ^.^

Hot drinks can help with congestion to help loosen it up a bit. Makes you feel a bit better to have a nice warm cuppa when it is cold weather outside too. Wrap up, keep warm, and look after yourself. Try and sleep whenever you can too, as sleep is the bodys natural way of recovering.

Hope you feel better soon. xx

thank you. xx dont know if i will be going back to work this week tho,

It's so annoying isn't it? I've had this one for over a week now and I feel I've not progressed at all! Still bunged up and coughing and now I think I've got an ear infection!

When I was pregnant last year I missed out of the flu jab as the surgery only orders a certain amount and it's on a first come first served basis. Anyway I ended up having 7 colds! I'd just get over one and then a week later I'd get another - the midwife was soo unsympathetic saying "oh so the multivitamin tablets didn't help you then..." err no, multivitamins do not stop you catching viruses!

Sorry for the rant

Chicken noodle soup and paracetamol! it works for me :) cheap n quick to actually make now, use the jelly stock pots :) xx

I was so bad last friday thought i was gonna end up in hospital, low blood pressure, fast week pulse, blinding migrain, and had the emergency doctor out at 4am saturday.

A chronic chest infection and major bout of flu!! 10 days down the line and still hasnt fully cleared!

just take paracetamol, and ibuprofen, that helps reduce the pain and anything else going on.