Board Games (non-sexy)

I found our kids are really receptive to learning games if they like the theme / art. They play games badged as for older players and like them. It helps if they are language independent (cheaper too if buying foreign versions from Amazon).

A really good one is the kid version of Scythe, My Little Scythe. A simplified but not dumbed down version with cute miniatures and different ways to win trophies.

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I’ve just ordered Wingspan from Zatu! I’m local enough to collect it :partying_face: its for Mr birthday next week though so will wait eagerly to play it :smiley:


I haven’t played any of the others you mentioned. However there is a junior ticket to ride that we play alot, Survive is also one we also play every week/ish! My boys are 6 and 9. And they cope well with it :slight_smile:

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I have a habit of underestimating the children. :slightly_smiling_face: I did a similar thing with Lego last year, and now they’re whipping through the Harry Potter castle sets like they’re on a production line.

I think I’ll try and make 2022 the Year of Board Games. There’s some really nice ones in the suggestions, and I think @FindingLibido’s point about the artwork/theme is a good one too. :+1:


We did this and that’s why we have a ridiculous collection!

It’s really cool seeing how easily they can grasp gaming mechanics and concepts that baffle older players! We have a range of games we take with us when we go out so we can keep them sweet while eating out or waiting for people.

The best ones are the games that appeal to adults and children. Kingdomino is a nice one, Hive is good if they like chess.

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I hope you’ll love it as we do - it’s beautifully designed…it even comes with a ‘first play’ set with specific cards and instructions for each player so you can learn the rules easily.

Enjoy (and happy birthday for next week - it’s my sons birthday on Tuesday and we had a delivery from Zatu week for it (I hope he’ll enjoy Exploding Kittens and Bananagrams)

We’ve got Kingdomino…great little game

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Some of our favourites:

7 Wonders
Settlers of Catan
Risk (because who doesn’t love a bit of world domination?)
Talisman (old Games Workshop game)

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7 Wonders has always been on my list. I’ve not had the chance to play but I liked the drafting game style of Tides of Time.

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The original Talisman was an awesome game - I’ve seen you can get a ‘new’ version of it…but worried it’ll be too changed for me. I used to work at Games Workshop as a lad, and loved their games….but so many were dummed down I lost interest in the end…

Dobble is a favourite of ours too!

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Incase anyone is after Wingspan… its currently in Zatus black Friday deals. 34.99 instead of 59.99! Slightly bitter pill to swallow when I paid that 2 weeks ago :rofl:


£15 ticket to ride London in Argos!

Ooh amazing…it’s still worth every Penny even at full
Price! I’ve got it but thanks for the heads up for others!

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Thanks for the tip but OOS now :sob:

Just seen this in The Guardian and thought I’d share it here: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks @Ian_Chimp
I follow this thread closely.
After a few mentions I finally bought a few for Xmas.

Looking at the article, can’t say I know any of those.

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They are all solid choices and many of them are favourites in our house. Quacks especially.


:rofl: Never heard of any of them! I think I’m very behind the times. When I was a kid, I used to have games night with my Dad every Tuesday when Mum went out to an evening drawing class and I loved it. Mainly things like Uno, Yahtzee, Cribbage or strategy 2 player games like Mastermind and a very similar square version where you had to work out a pattern of pegs based on how other pegs reflected and came out, which I can’t remember the name of but I loved. Also board games like Labyrinth and some others, who’s names again escape me.

Another card game though that we really enjoyed when Mum was home too was Loot. It says for 2 - 8 players but works best with 3 or 4 I think. 2 players doesn’t work because no real strategy is then involved but it’s a simple game that works really, really well so I recommend that but maybe for when the twins are a little older.

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Pandemic is a personal favourite. It’s a cooperative game with loads of expansions and can even be played alone. It’s also got spin-offs with different themes depending on what you like

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Been looking to get the Bloodborne board game but it’s out of stock everywhere and awaiting reprint by the looks of it. No real rush, just would love it in our collection :kissing_closed_eyes: