Booze for charity

I keep on getting given booze for Xmas that I don’t drink (whiskey and red wine for example).
What I want to do is donate the (sealed) bottles to charity preferable something like Barbados or Shelter so they can get some benefit from them.

Does anyone know of an organisation than will accept alcohol and convert the proceeds into something good?

I am sure I could pop along the street and find homeless people who would be more than happy to drink the stuff but that would not help society.

Have just been given a bottle of Jonnie Walkers Red Label and am sure I will get more whiskey Xmas day. If they only gave me champagne or Drambuie.

This must be a common problem?



My dad also gets a lot of alcohol over the Christmas period as he doesn’t drink the house the bottles he would just pass on to other people for presents if I don’t get to it first :joy:

You could also do the same. If you are struggling who to give them to what about your postman, bin man or shopkeeper. You could also try selling them and buying something you like with the money.


When I normally get given bottles of anything I pass them on to family members or donate them to local community centre for them to use in raffles !

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In our town the firehouse and police station do alcohol raffles to raise money for children and parks. Sounds weird and crazy typing it out but they built a new park in our town with it. Contact them and see if they would be willing to do the same thing. Usually they do rare or hard to find bottles but the more winners the better to be honest. Hope that helps!

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I read this title and my mind jumped to sponsored drinking for charity. You know. Sponsor me 10p per Archers and lemonade :rofl:


And at @Gazza_64 , now my daughter is past school age had completely forgotten about the need to buy raffle tickets, will contact her school [mine as well] and warn them they will have a bunch of festive cheer for their next charity event


I wonder what makes people choose particular alcohol if they don’t know the person well enough to know their poison.

Maybe they know you drink Drambuie so thought you’d like a standard whisky.

I’d probably get people tequila to spice it up a bit :crazy_face:

@JoCat I know what you mean I have been given a vintage bottle of Champagne yrs ago £70 still in the tin it came in a £50 bottle of whiskey neither of which I drink , but it would look funny with a crate of magnets under my arm at a works function carrying it around with me like some bum lol

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You could probably get some money for the champagne, there’s bound to be a collector out there

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I think there must be a lot of regifting where booze is involved, somebody turns up and gives you a bottle of something and then you think who you can give it to if you don’t want it. When I was a student, come 3am there would always be a bottle of Campari some cheapskate had brought.
Where my father worked they used to get him two bottles of Drambuie a year (birthday and Xmas). As he only had two glasses a year (Xmas and NY) , that went up when I got older to 4 to include me. When he died and I was clearing out a cupboard I couldn’t believe how many bottles there were, I only finally managed to get the excess in order a few years ago.

A friend who is strapped for cash still has wine to buy as presents so hopefully I can offload that on her and help her out.


We will happily take them off your hands and dispose of them irresponsibly :champagne:
If we receive anything like this that we don’t want we find a local charity through our rugby club or school and donate as raffle prizes :gift:

We once gave truck loads of stuff from a house clearance to a charity and on one of his trips the guy picking it up asked what we intended to do with the crate filled with bottles of wines and spirits. He looked so pleased when we said he could have it that I suspect he was either going to drink the lot himself or share it with his mates. :mosque: :joy_cat:

When we moved back to this country none of our booze could be packed so the removal guys did quite well. We left them to fight over who got what.