Breastfeeding /turn on

I am asking this question on behalf of my friend. she is a beautiful new mommy. While we were out last night, she told me that she gets turn on and gets really wet every time she breastfeeds her baby. She has been feeling really guilty about it. She couldn’t even share that with her partner :frowning: I thought I will ask you guys. Can someone relate to it?


I think this happens to every new mum.

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I’ve flagged this as inappropriate.

I breast-fed mine and can’t say this happened to me. she needs to tell her partner that this Is happening. If it keeps happening I would suggest in stopping breastfeeding if she feels uncomfortable doing it, and perhaps express her milk and give it to the baby through a bottle

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I would say that your friend needs to speak to her partner and GP.
Quite worrying to read this.
I breasted both of my babies and had no such feeling.

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Ok, so I’ve never heard of this, but I did just google it and it seems to be an extremely common thing and from quickly looking it seems a lot of topics on sites like Net Mums mention this.

Tell her she’s not a freak, tell everyone she’s not a freak.

I don’t think the topic should be flagged, perhaps worded a little differently may allow people to understand the question more. This is exactly one of the reasons this sexual forum is here, to help us to understand things we don’t. Ignorance is a terrible thing. Well done for bringing up the topic and I hope you find some answers and help for your friend :heart:

If I was allowed to add links to some of the topics I’ve just read on another site I would but unfortunately I cannot. Just have a quick look online and I think your friend will find she’s not alone and once she understands the reasons for these feelings she’s experiencing, she will feel a little more at ease perhaps and realise it’s nothing to do with what people are assuming. :slightly_smiling_face:

From what I’ve read, it’s often a mixture of intense nipple stimulation mixed with a storm of hormonal imbalance usually caused from pregnancy.


I would talk with the doctor. I will say that from our experience, pregnancy does numbers on the body and the hormones.

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thank you very much. I did exactly same and turned out its very common. I alredy tallked to her. she is feeling much better now. Of course it shouldnt be flaged. If you are that vanila you shouldnt even be here, @ Blonde_Bunny thanks for taking time to reserch it xx


It involves a child :roll_eyes: sexual feelings + child = flagged

Perhaps the question could have been approached a little differently, but anyway, I’m out. :slightly_smiling_face:

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The triggers for arousal can hit us at inappropriate moments and without full knowledge of why they happen.

I’d say this an involuntary response, so it’s going to be difficult and confusing to start, but getting anxious about it and focusing her mind on it is likely to exacerbate the issue.

I’d suggest taking her mind off it with some mundane thoughts until the arousal dissipates.


Yes, it’s fairly common. Everyone is different, just because one person hasn’t experienced it doesn’t make it wrong for another to have.
As @Blonde_Bunny has said it seems to be a mix of nipple stimulation and hormones. There’s also something similar in which women actually orgasm while giving birth! It seems to be down to the pressure of the baby’s head on the g spot.


I had one with my son, it scared the hell out of me, and thought why would I have one now. The midwife reassured me that it happens more than we think


I have to say, suggesting that a question about a recognised physiological response to breast feeding is inappropriate is very surprising.


It didn’t happen with me (think I would have preferred it to the pain from cracked nips :sweat_smile:) but I’ve spoken to people who have got wet when feeding.

It’s just a physiological response, the right side of my neck used to go numb when I fed on my left boob. People’s bodies can be strange :sweat_smile:


Funnily I reckon this might be a common thing among new mums as I’m sure I’ve heard about this on a tv documentary or somewhere :thinking:

@FireCracker89 I have read more inappropriate things than that. I don’t think that she is turned on by the child, just the hyper-sensitive nipples and where they connect in the brain and inside.

My OH loves niple play and when she was breastfeeding I could easily make her milk come out with nipple stimulation. I didn’t care for the taste and she was sometime embarrassed about the wetness above and below, but I thought it was fantastic. If she likes giving head and me having some cum on her lips, the least I could do was lick up what came out of her.

It was a bit of a turn on but didn’t happen that often… kind of miss that taste now that the kids are way older. Hopefully I never taste it again as this would mean I have another kiddo in the house! :flushed: :weary:

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This is totally normal. It happens to a lot of women. It’s not that she is turned on by her child it’s her bodies response to the sucking. If she gets turned on when her husband sucks on her than that’s why. It will probably go away once she gets used to it. She can talk to a lactation consultant or her doctor if she’s really worried about it but it’s totally normal.


That’s clearly not the way this was intended. This is a new mum asking for help which I don’t think is inappropriate at all. Would be far more inappropriate for her not to seek help for something that’s worrying her when new parents are already dealing with enough change, exhaustion and new emotions