Can we have lovehoney feedback about facebook please

We all know the problem with lovehoney not being on facebook at the moment but LH seem to be quite on this can anybody from LH give us some news aout whats happening about this are LH going to go back on facebook as i,m sure there is plenty of members that love to get involved on facebook i miss the compitions daily updates and just taking part with lovehoneys facebook page,,i know they on Twitter but i hate twitter i prefare facebook,,,,the other sex toys sites are back on FB but not LH so come lh whats happening let your members know whats happening PLEASE

Hi siandlinda, unfortunately we are none the wiser ourselves at the moment. As soon as we have more information we will let you know. We miss talking to you all on Facebook and hope there is a solution soon .

Rather than us having to update two threads any 'facebook' queries please use this existing thread we will update as soon as we have news.