Cant install battery in Alive Egg remote

Hi @theyguy and welcome to the forum :blush:

I can’t seem to find that particular product on the UK website (I’m not sure where in the world you are) but if you can copy and paste the LH website link to the product, people can have a look and see if they have any suggestions for you.

To be able to upload images, you need to increase your Trust Level on the forum, which is really easy to do quite quickly, and all photos need to be added in one of the #your-photos topics.

You could try contacting customer care, see if they have any suggestions or tips to get the back off the remote?

I’ve found that sometimes you need to be gentle and get the angle and pressure right to get the back to pop off remotes, might be worth trying different tactics?

Good luck!

EDIT I’ve just spotted this in an old thread and thought it might be helpful.

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