Magic egg 3.0

Hiya guys. I’ve bought the magic egg 3.0 and I can’t even put the battery into the remote. Can someone tell me how you put the battery in please.

Hello and welcome @galactus1974 :slightly_smiling_face:

This one?

I’m afraid I don’t have that particular toy, but the remotes normally have a back you can slide off?

Hopefully someone else has some actual knowledge for you. :slightly_smiling_face: Customer Care should be able to help too, if you need them. :+1:

I had this exact same issue, the slide off is v stiff i had to use a blunt knife to push it off
the back with the textured grooves at the bottom should slide up, use a butter knife to push it upwards watching your fingers and it will come off

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I don’t know if it would have helped here, but rubber gloves can be a good way to get extra purchase on tight battery compartment lids. I normally use that trick for screw on tops, but it may help with slide ones too. :+1: