Caption Competition - April 2011

It's caption time again! You may recognise these smiley happy types from the homepage, but what are they saying/thinking? Hmmmm...

There will be one overall winner who wins a selection of goodies from their wishlist.

the guy said it was a new breed- sort of a mix between a Lion Head and a ...dildo

Get your bloody hands of MY rabbit darling!!!

See honey, it really is cute, and nothing to be afraid of. By the way, you're now obsolete!

"These rabbits just keep getting better, press this button and it generates an excuse as to why we can't visit your mother this weekend!"

"And this button releases the laughing gas"

This thing is so powerful I need to wear a wrist strap just to keep it from vibrating off on to the floor!

Flower wallpaper and green sheets? The only thing that is tasteful in this entire room is this large pulsating pink toy!

"And just to add insult to injury, you favourite method of emasculating your boyfriend now comes in neon pink!"

"This isn't the kind of pet rabbit I was talking about, dear."

Not quite the salad tosser I had in mind honey but its the thought that counts

"Now while I'm spanking the monkey or whacking the mole, you can play with a rabbit"

I am not sure this is the remote control for this sagging airbed, but push the button and we'll see what happens.

TheKittyKat wrote:

"Now while I'm spanking the monkey or whacking the mole, you can play with a rabbit"

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Our threesome with the Easter Bunny started out awkward, but it wasn't long before Mike was petting our new third.

"Happy birthday, darling. I thought I'd buy you some pearls."

"You are so getting a BJ once I've finished round one with my new toy."

Mr BunBun's date with Jenny was going well until Derek showed up to deliver the cockblock.

"I got a special cut from the butcher today darling".

My God look at the size of it hun, my dick is only THIS big in comparison!!