Catching mice!

My darling cat brought a bloody mouse in the kitchen the other night and it's made a nice warm home under my fridge freezer.

I set 3 traps and the sodding thing has ate the bait the last 3 nights and not set the trap off.

I can't move the fridge freezer myself as it's a big massove American style one.

Any ideas how to catch the little shit? X

The best thing i would do is shut the cat in the kitchen with the mouse at night! He will soon catch it again 😊 Or you can buy some poison xx

Yes, let the cat finish the job. We had mice in an old house, tried everything and they kept coming back/evading capture. In the end we got a cat, he caught about 10 in a few weeks and we never saw another one.

My housemates cat did the exact same thing twice and I ended up catching them both times. This is what I did:

Seal the room that the mouse is in, lock away all food during the day. Wait until it's night time (mice are nocturnal). The mouse will come out looking for food. Place a load of chocolate on the floor (I used dairy milk, a friend told me to use chocolate and it really works) and sit in front of the chocolate with a large box. I used a big plastic Tupper wear. Then just stay really still and be patient. The mouse will be able to smell the chocolate and it will come out and find it. If you are still it won't see you as a threat.

One mouse was really slow and I was able to slam the box on to him without any problems. The second was really fast and I missed a couple a times and ended up placing the box on top of the chocolate and holding it at an angle so that there was a mouse sized gap. It went right in and I caught it, it really wanted that chocolate.

Than just slide something under the box to seal the mouse in and take it somewhere to be set free.

I caught the slow mouse in 20 mins, the fast one took about an hour and a half. I had to be really still and quiet. This might sound like a lot of effort for a mouse but I prefer catching it and knowing I've got it out than waiting for a trap to work.

Also tried the old let the cat deal with it trick, the cat was shit and there are a million places for a mouse to hide from a cat in a house. Some cats a probably better hunters than others though.

Please don't use poison, if your cat manage to eat just a little bit of it, it will probably die a horrible death.

My grandmothers neighbour had placed mice poison in the grass on his lawn. My grandmothers kitten ate from it and she didn't know it was there. He died from internal bleednings under agony and my grandmother still to this day cry about it :(

Sxleksaker wrote:

Please don't use poison, if your cat manage to eat just a little bit of it, it will probably die a horrible death.

My grandmothers neighbour had placed mice poison in the grass on his lawn. My grandmothers kitten ate from it and she didn't know it was there. He died from internal bleednings under agony and my grandmother still to this day cry about it :(

I'm so sorry that happened to your grandmother's cat. It happened to my childhood cat too, neighbors put down rat poisen.

Thanks for the advice! Definitely won't use poison. I'm going to try chocolate tonight and have ordered one of the mice box things that will be here tomorrow too

A mouse trap/box with nutella or chocolate on it works well. Had a mouse in my last place had to catch it

Please don't kill any living thing with poison, it's a horribly painful death and no creature deserves to die like that, whether that creature is seen as cute or 'vermin'. Catch and let go is far nicer and better for the conscience! I'm terrified of spiders but if I can't catch one humanely and put it outside, I let it live with me in my flat. I just keep the covers high in case it crawls onto me in the night 🕷 😱

A deep bucket with tissue for bedding, meal worms and eggs, and books stacked up like stairs. this way often works. Use to bread hamsters, but also helped a friend with a mouse problem too. You can also get humane mouse traps from pet shops.

Sexy babe,i agree,i try to catch and release them humanely.

Catch and release trap with peanut butter,then release the live mouse as far away from the house as possible.

We have an old stone farmhouse and outbuildings with the fields mainly left for the wildlife so it's a constant battle to move voles and mice out all the time. The cat brings in a fair few as well as those that make it in by themselves. We have loads of the metal humane multi traps (I think we got them from Amazon) and we use peanut butter as the bait. The traps work really well and its our job first thing in the morning to take them out a few hundred yards and release the occupants (not all of which are very keen to leave)

I'm not sure how far you need to take them so they don't find their way back. We had one mouse with a distinctive kink to his tail that certainly made it back a few times from 100 yards!

When you say "trap" are you using a traditional mouse trap of a humane one? 

Not only are the humane ones not cruel, but they're more reliable too. 

Also, the whole cheese thing is a farce. Seeds are better bait. 

And as others have said you need to take them far away - pretty sure it's at least 3 miles. But this is usually more of an issue when mice have moved in of their own accord, rather than ones who are brought in by the cat. 

*sexybabe* wrote:

Please don't kill any living thing with poison, it's a horribly painful death and no creature deserves to die like that, whether that creature is seen as cute or 'vermin'. Catch and let go is far nicer and better for the conscience! I'm terrified of spiders but if I can't catch one humanely and put it outside, I let it live with me in my flat. I just keep the covers high in case it crawls onto me in the night 🕷 😱

100% with you... Poison is so so cruel, and an even better option is to not kill any living thing at all. 

This happened to us once. Luckily our fridge wasn't too heavy so we could move it and catch the mouse to put it outside. Let us know how you end up catching it (if you do) but please don't kill it with a mouse trap!

Lovehoney - Jess Wilde wrote:

*sexybabe* wrote:

Please don't kill any living thing with poison, it's a horribly painful death and no creature deserves to die like that, whether that creature is seen as cute or 'vermin'. Catch and let go is far nicer and better for the conscience! I'm terrified of spiders but if I can't catch one humanely and put it outside, I let it live with me in my flat. I just keep the covers high in case it crawls onto me in the night 🕷 😱

100% with you... Poison is so so cruel, and an even better option is to not kill any living thing at all.


It sounds silly but my friends cat had a terrible habit of catching mice and bringing them in. They put boots at the door so the mice could hide in them if being chased by the cat. It stopped any others from coming in.

Hope the box trap works 😘

If i trap l like useing live catch traps with a bit of chocolate or peanut butter. I hate using poison, 1 because it can cause a horrible death, 2 something else could eat the poison or the mouse and last, if it dies inside the house somewhere and you do not know, it could smell and attract flies.

Plenty of rodents in my life please dont be so cruel as to poison or snap the little angels neck get a balance trap box put some nutella smeared all across the back to get it to stay there and set the trap door off if that doesnt work the cat will take it back out overtime just give it chance its just a little mouse they're going to cause you no harm or steal from you trail chocolate to the outside if you have to overnight should get you results