Cazz's 1-Post Thread here in this forum

Why are there so many threads started by Cazz on the subject of testing which lead nowhere? Latest example is "Pinwheel Bondage Testing", which leads to a 404 error - page not found.

I'd understand if the thread was closed after the first post for some reason or other, but for a page to not exist after barely 3 hours is a bit strange, I think...

They get closed when suitable testers have been found for the products, that way no more people can post to them. 

Once I have found testers I remove the page as general 'housekeeping' on the forum, as there are thousands of threads.

I used to write to say I had found testers and people would still comment asking to be chosen as they would miss my comment if many others had written underneath, so it is now easier to remove the thread completely to avoid confusion.

Many thanks

The removing of the thread makes things a lot more obvious. It stops people commenting on the thread when teh testers have already been found, and also in the case of "secret testers" it removes any trace fo tehm from the forum :)

I was a bit confused by it when I was new as it shows up in the "list" for a while but eventually figured it out... because I am in the states sometimes those "this is not the page you are looking for" language does make me giggle when I realize I have "overslept" a tester opportunity but thats what I get for sleeping in.

Thanks for the explanations!