Cfs, me, fibromyalgia sex life tips??

I would also say that if you feel up to it maybe tell the doctor your condition has directly resulted in a relationship breakdown. it will give him an indication of how bad things are. Make a list of all your symptoms too go head to toe, on one of the forums many people say they have had good results using a diagram of the body to show the gp and marking each symptom/problem on it. Also a pain/symptom /sleep diary can help the doctor get a picture of how your life is being affected. Good luck.

x x

I have both ME/CFS and Fibro, plus Rheumatoid arthritis. I just play when I'm running on adrenaline, which is only in swinging clubs. Solo play hasn't ever really been an issue, other than when I'm in a bad flare up, then all my sex drive just disappears.

I've had the liberator wedges on my wishlist for a while, but never bought them, as I think myweight is more an issue, than anything else.

Haven'tgot any useful tips Im afraid, I can plod along without sexual intercourse for months at a time. The less I have it, the less I want it, just get by on solo play.